wholly by the nuclear and the arms trade industry. Made in Cumbria was
established in 1989 as an economic development initiative by Cumbria
County Council to promote the sales of crafts, gifts and local foods.
Lakeland -
now Made in Cumbria has succumbed and has been handed over from County
Council ownership to the tender care of Sellafield Ltd and BAE Systems
who wholly fund the Cumbria Chamber of Commerce. While Sellafield Ltd
and the nuclear industry has the funds to buy passive acceptance - it does
not have the wherewithal to cover its own public liability insurance
regarding the High Level Waste tanks. The hazard is so great that no
insurance company would be able to provide cover. Nuclear insurance
subsidy is a bigger scandal than MPs expenses and Radiation Free Lakeland
have written to Tim Farron asking him to support a Parliamentary Motion
calling for an end to nuclear subsidies.
The motion EDM 866 from Paul Flynn, the MP for Newport West, states that the
nuclear industry insists it is looking for "no subsidies for any new
nuclear plants they may build in Britain; believes that comments by such
chief executives are disingenuous and misleading because many nuclear
subsidies paid for by British taxpayers are already in place, including
the multi-billion pound underwriting of insurance liabilities.."
As a working wildlife artist Marianne Birkby has been a long time member
of Made in Cumbria who have provided a good service to members.
" I am appalled to be an involuntary part of an organisation funded by
the nuclear and arms industry. Made in Cumbria funding should come
directly from central/local government not taxpayers money filtered
through the nuclear industry in a bid to buy passive acceptance. I won't be renewing my
membership when it runs out".



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insurance scandal
24.02.2010 13:20
membership fees partly to ensure they have the public liability of up to
£5m required to attend events such as farmers markets.
It is scandalous that the industry is buying Cumbrians off - while
not having the wherewithal to cover its own public liability insurance
marianne Birkby
No need for the payments.
25.02.2010 17:22
Made in Cumbria could easily be financed with the money we currently waste on wind turbine schemes which are pointless and cause visual and noise pollution.
No need for the nuclear industry
01.03.2010 23:20
Fossil Fuel use ad infinitum...
PAGE : 6 / 29
Document ID.No.
UKEPR-0013-001 Issue 00
[3] The Safeguard Buildings
The four Safeguard Buildings house key safeguard systems and their support systems. These
safeguard systems are divided into four trains each of which is housed in a separate division
located in one of the four Safeguard Buildings.
The Main Control Room is located in one of the Safeguard Buildings.
[4] Diesel Buildings
The two Diesel Buildings house the four Emergency Diesel Generators, two Station Black-out
Diesel Generators and their support systems that are used to supply electricity to the safeguard
systems in the event of a complete loss of electrical power. The physical and geographical
separation of these two buildings provides additional protection.
No Need.....
marianne Birkby