With all the bad news for wildlife that comes with the recent election, we want to do something good. We're trying to raise around £5000 to buy a new Land Rover for our group.
For the last 3 years we've been piling our Sabs over to Sheffield every week.
Buying a Land Rover would double the number of Sabs we can get out in Yorkshire,
and make travelling a lot easier.
We need YOUR help to make this happen; we need people to help us with fund-raising, and we also need people to make some donations. (Credit and Debit cards now accepted via our Paypal).
When Cameron repeals the hunting ban, we're going to need to step up the fight against hunting, an extra 12 Sabs and the manoeuvrability of an extra vehicle will give us a much needed edge to carry on the work we do.
We NEED your help though, so far we have raised £2,000. We're going to need around another £3,000 to get a decent vehicle and tax and insure it. (Not to mention fuel...)
PLEASE help us get out in the field.
We need,
1)Money and lots of it!
2)People to help us fund-raise
3)People willing to do some fund-raising independently and send us the money (whip round at work, do a sponsored walk, sell some cakes to your friends, whatever!)
4)Businesses willing to let us have a donation bucket in their shops
5)If all goes to plan - people to fill the spaces in our lovely new Landy!
6)We also need some more sabbing equipment, please see the * section at the bottom of the post for more details.
West Yorkshire Hunt Sabs use non-violent Direct Action to stop hunters killing animals.
We use tactics that do not hurt any animals (including hunt dogs and horses), and are non-violent and non-confrontational, however we will defend ourselves if we are attacked.
We go out every Saturday, and hopefully with our new vehicle we'll be able to do even more midweeks than last season! (hunters beware)
You can find more information about us, look at our reports from the last season, and you can Donate on our website →

If your interested in getting involved either as a supporter, fund-raiser, driver or as a Hunt Sab please contact us at

*We also need some other items we would prefer not to buy, please get in contact if you can donate us any old; OS maps,
essential oils (especially Citronella and Eucalyptus but we can try others) ,
2 way Radios/Mobile phones,
old climbing rope (for making a whip cracking noise),
fancy GPS equipment (it's worth a try).
If you believe that wealthy landowners riding round on horses, hunting innocent animals for fun and tradition is wrong,
PROVE IT, get involved and help us SAVE LIVES.
Hide the following 14 comments
northern indymedia
22.07.2010 12:21
Sab lovor
yes but not a Land Rover, please
22.07.2010 13:38
action reports
22.07.2010 13:48
landrover -pros and cons
22.07.2010 13:53
4x4, 12 seats, its well camoflauged in with hunt support vehicles, it handles well off road, won't get stuck in mud and they last forever.
I've not heard of any other decent 4x4's that have 12 seats, willing to stand corrected if you know of one (that will be available for the sabs to buy cheaply)
most Car companys have horrible pasts, hopfully the impact of the sab's will go some way towards counteracting the evil of the company (and maybe diswade a few toffs from investing in landrover!)
I suppose it'll be 2nd hand anyway, so no money will be going to landrover.
Of course it will be 2nd, 3rd,4th........hand
22.07.2010 18:59
Lynn Sawyer
23.07.2010 16:17
Thats just bull.
We need a 4x4 to get through mud, to get to where the action is, and to stay safe.
you can't really get arround it without sacrificing effeciancy.
secondly, what doubious record? this year is the first we've raised any money from any one, and our record is squeeky clean.
We registered as a charity for a number of reasons, including but not limited to,
1) registered charitys have a board of trustees who have authority over the organisations actions.
2) charitys need staff, we are an non-heirarchical group, with no leaders.
3) our group is subject to a huge amount of police scrutany, we wouldn't be accepted.
4) it takes lots of time, effort and money that could be used saving animals.
5) theirs loads of formalitys and other things you have to do to keep the status.
6) it puts our members at risk.
7) if the ban's repealed we'll go back to being an illegal organisation, can't have an illegal charity.
8) what would the benefit be?
If you really have that money floating about, email us, prove that you have the money, and we'll think about it, but to be honest, I'm fairly sure I know who you are and that your just sturing up trouble.
£5,000 is a price we can definatly get a landrover for, you've got to remember, without fail every week our van gets a full police inspection, it can't just be road worthy, it has to be in really good nick.
we've heard of people buying used landys as cheap as £3,500.
But if we managed to raise £5,000 we'd have a landy 110 with 12 seats, no problem, and might be able to cover the tax or part of the insurance with the spare.
a WYHS sab
23.07.2010 16:32
should be "We Haven't registered as a charity..."
forgive the Typo
re Rich
23.07.2010 17:02
Re the Sheffield activists who burn the 4 x 4's - we are seeking a 4 x 4 which is probably going to be in the region of 10 - 30 years old, as are most sab vans. We promise not to do the school run in it. Like any other 'tool' it is a means to an end. Handcuffs, for example, are wonderful for lock ons but shite in the hands of the police.
We are a new collective of existing sabs - drawn together for our anti-hunting beliefs and our geographical location. We have no history, dubious or otherwise.
If you want to donate than thats great - otherwise do us a favour and stop making our work more difficult than it already is with your moaning.
Don't play the police's games!
25.07.2010 12:40
Question: Why should you feel you have to justify someone you have never met having £100,000 on them when they were raided (even notwithstanding the fact they were later released without charge and the money had nothing to do with animal rights)?
Question: Why should a sab group who want to invest in a second hand vehicle, which can easily be converted to run on vegetable oil, be called hypocrites because someone else chose to burn some 4x4's?
When it is a known the fact that the police pay PR companies to post on here (and indeed often post themselves), it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out the motivations behind these divisive comments.
You gain nothing from engaging these people. I would call them idiots, but they aren't (at least not in the mindless dumb troll sense), they are playing a deliberate, clinical long term game of trying to divide the AR movement from the rest of the activist community, and also within itself. Should sabs feel they have to distance themselves from SHAC? No. Should anti fur campaigners have to distance themselves (aside from for legal reasons) from the ALF? No.
You wouldn't talk to the cops on a demo, or in an interview, so why talk to them on here? Why give them the satisfaction of watching you draw self imposed lines within our movement due to a few carefully selected words on their part, when instead we could be the one's laughing at the blatant attempts at divide and rule, our laugher motiving our passion when we exact revenge on their mind games by upping our actions?
This sab group wants money for a landy. Some people will have concerns about Land Rover as a company, or about the environmental implications, these can be easily assuaged, at least to the point of mutual understanding if not full agreement via the fact that it is second hand and can be converted to run on vege oil. The bullshit posted by the cops on the other hand should be ignored.
Don't let the cops run Indymedia, it's time we took it back!
Cop Cruncher
Charity status is a bad thing
26.07.2010 19:54
I realise this is just a troll with no vehicle to donate at all, but really you should avoid donating to registered charities. It's much better to donate to organisations who don't have charitable status.
Charity status is designed to neuter effective campaigns by making them welfarist and reactionary. Charities aren't allowed to do anything political and they must benefit humans in some way. Political activism (preferably not party political) is essential to really change anything.
divide and rule
29.07.2010 14:15
Lynn Sawyer
To indymedia
29.07.2010 16:27
West Yorkshire Hunt Sabs
chill out NP
30.07.2010 18:44
we answered your question anyway, if you still think you could get a decent landy for that price, why not email us some ads? we intend on getting one as cheap as possible, but prices have gone up, and we can't afford to get a repair job, money and time wise.
sorry to have offended you, its not your comment we want deliting, its the troll-tastic wind ups we want rid of.
west yorkshire sab
No offence taken
31.07.2010 10:44