picnic for buynothingday Southampton shopping area
In what became a meeting of minds (older and younger), fun and friendship (old and new) broke out when a picnic (fairtrade-(d) and fun) commenced in the busy shopping-route lanes of Southampton, UK. This picnic (Saturday 26/11/05), marked the necessity to better enable ourselves to meet in 'buynothing areas' at such a time as this.
'Glitter-free' our picnic of free fairtrade coffee, bananas and con(less)versation occurred with older and younger people meeting to chat and put down their ideas on bananas (we also inadvertantly & creatively resisted the 2 large star$ cafe's that oppose small fairtraders 4 monopoly$, in the process).
Later the banana decorated skins were used to make a smiley face, by the collaborating artists who had attended the ‘buy nothing’ picnic’, in further high-quality collaborative fun.
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buying positively nothing
28.11.2005 21:42