How to grow - reflect, reflect, reflect!
showing solidarity seeking change of heart
food, clothes and shelter - is the beginning not destituition
I'm the urban postman Mr Vernon-Jackson-Ive got a Big Idea. Reflect on what you.
posting a big idea - reflect on your decisions please
concerned initators - show care anyway
Gerald Vernon-Jackson (a man who we would like to see show more compassion) sadly and effectively protested and campaigned to ensure that the home office arranged the removal off and turned their backs on at least 100 Portsmouth asylum applicants and started the dispersal across the country. What quality level of compassion is that? Good politics is always compassionate - this was not compassion!
'Aliens' are mythical species from outer space maybe with antennae growing out of their heads they are not asylum seekers or refugees.
Joseph Bunni in the article below states:
"I have friends here and it's not east to go somewhere else and establish yourself as an alien".

"I am very happy here. I have friends here and it's not easy to go somewhere else and establish yourself as an alien," he said.

One person asked Mr Gerrard Vernon-Jackson via parcel post, (snail mail no less) to reflect on what the emotional and social costs of moving settled people to other towns might be. We are privelaged to have them in our midst - we need to show them hospitality and kindness. People working with asylum applicants, people who are trafficked and those denied a right to remain that many have been abused, tortured and are liable to severe mental illness if continued to be mistreated by local and national policy by beurocrats.
Please add your own comments, and look out for a forthcoming public meeting - details hopefully to be posted here.
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camping out
17.07.2007 06:00
Good Evening, Campers! Hi-de-hi!
17.07.2007 17:20
And bollocks to the bigoted miseryguts at Pompey Council - perhaps someone could pull strings to send them on an enforced "holiday" to Sudan or wherever to see how they fancy the fear of persecution, abject poverty or murder :0(