Perhaps those of us who are on to Captain Mayday haven't been clear what our objection to him is:
In addition to his sloppy expressions of alledged anti-Zionism--which makes him attack such pointless targets as the Jews in Hollywood(mind the Aliens on that first link Wink )

or just general sloppy writing like here:

there is his near constant hysterical blather about the Nuking of Portland, Oregon , USA:

amplified by the madness of his yahoo group:

Now, chums, whatever else he may or may not be right about, does anyone really want this nutter to be representing or speaking for 9/11 Truth in any way, shape or form?
Take the article at 9/11 Blogger: "Amerika Uber Alles" -- Our Nazi Nation"
Right, it has a lot of good points and good material--that other people have said as well or better already:

David's Orcinus blog is almost soley devoted to examining proto-facism on the rise--with a bit about dolpoins every so often. In fact his writings on the subject dwarf Captain May's in both volume and depth, for example:

So why can't our Carol Brouillet repost a David Neiwert article if she wants to post on the subject? Or better yet, write her own and source it? Anything would be better than posting rubbish from someone aiding and abbetting our ex fellow truther, Webster Tarpley, in the search to "hunt down" the hoax busters.
Don't believe me? Then read the transcript that follows:

Suffice it to say 9/11 Truth--or 7/7 Truth for that matter--doe not need the help of any git who's worried about "the Jews is Hollywood" or any other such tot. Why Tarpley feels the need to ally himself with Captain May, we can only guess. Seeing as he was so quick to accuse those of us demanding answers from him as agents, just like an agent would do, forces us to consider unpleasant possibilities; see the list of attacks and decide for yourself:

So if you go to Webster Tarpley's Guy Fawkes/911 speech, don't challenge him if you don't want to be called "cointelpro". ;-)