The Gloucester Arms Pub on Leighton Road Camden has been the subject of protests following the decision by landlord John Coyne to let neo nazi group the Jobbik party hold meetings there. The Jobbik Party are closely linked to the BNP and have armed members and ties to Serbian paramilitaries and UDA. Locals have complained of hardcore porn and skinhead music played until 6 - 7am.
The Camden New Journal covered a protest at the pub [called by Camden Anarchists] when local people found out about the nazi meetings. The pub, a former staunch IRA pub has been taken over by John Coyne who told the CNJ and anti racists that the could "go whistle".
Local people have described the pub as a "dump" and have said that the biggest drinkers in there are the landlord and his "rottweiler wife".
Last night they kept neighbours awake with loud music from a Skrewdriver CD until 6 - 7 am.
The walls of the pub outside are daubed with "BNP out" and "Close BNP Pub".
Chuck em out!
Hide the following 17 comments
11.01.2010 21:13
I can appreciate you didn't do it on purpose, but try to think of the language you are using when putting up items.
just a question
12.01.2010 10:23
12.01.2010 11:57
I think they meant hardcore "punk" and skinhead music. Not hardcore porn and skinhead music. Camden Town is also the centre of the UK music scene and there are many other loud music venues in the area.
Music expert
Geography expert
12.01.2010 15:29
Picture of the pub from Google Streetview
12.01.2010 16:17
Gloucester Arms, Kentish Town
It is from Google Streetview so it isn't totally up to date.
Those satellite dishes...
12.01.2010 18:03
hardcore porn is correct
13.01.2010 13:49
The reason it's not razed to the ground are the adjoining council flats
13.01.2010 14:06
What if pub funding terror and hate?
13.01.2010 14:16
The photo below shows Johnny Adair and friend Nazi Nick showing off their tattoos.
Another pic of the UFF C company leaders when they were still National Front
13.01.2010 14:18
Pub is a shitehole with sticky carpets and no women apart from landlords guardog
13.01.2010 15:16
There is an old TV hanging almost off the wall where he watches porn while his ugly wife grimaces on the doorstep, while guarding the doorway to the pub.
The customer that goes in there is a drunken Ulsterman who is usually so drunk he always has one eye shut and one eye closed.
Tempting place to go...not.
Kentish Town
Racist Skrewdriver band logo....
13.01.2010 15:20
PORN ...he watches porn on the TV
13.01.2010 15:24
anti porn
anti-zionist space
13.01.2010 18:56
Links between ulster loyalism & british racists go back 80 years-pub link both
17.01.2010 21:12
Combat 18 have worked alongside the UDA and C Company of the UFF. The National Front and the BNP have links to all of these.
The Camden Racist Pub and landlord John Coyne has links to all of these.....chuck him out and tell him to fuck off back to Ulster if he doesn't like multi racial, multi cultural, anti fascist Camden.
Skrewdriver lyrics on the IRA
26.01.2010 09:20
On the streets of Ulster, the battle rages on
British people fighting for their land
Fought in two world wars for us, fought and died for
Gotta help them, support the Red Hand
Smash! Smash! The IRA!
Smash! Smash! The IRA!
Remember the victims of their bombs
Gotta change our policies and hang the IRA
Let the army deal with them their way
Corrupt politicians and snivelling left wing scum
Are quite content to let them get away
Come on, Ulster!
They are nazi scum who hate the Irish, Blacks, Asians and Arabs ...evryone in fact aprt from themselves.
The landlord has been evicted by brewery and the police
01.02.2010 16:38
Camden Antifash