Not many people know that....
Matt Taylor is running in the Sussex election.
Matt Taylor for Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner 2012.
I need a miracle to win PCC election
Having called the Evening Argus, he explains, “The electoral Commission has set the spending limit for the elections at nearly £220,000, which means this is how much you’ve got to spend to win it. I’m happy to hand over a hundred signatures and a £5000 deposit, but £200K is too much, no way.”
But having weighed the pros and cons, a confident Matt Taylor continues, “After serious consideration, I’ve decided to go for it, because I believe in miracles. I’ve released a booklet; FREE to download from my website at, which sets out what I stand for. I’ve got a lot to say and a lot to explain about the role of Police and Crime Commissioner and the Supplementary voting (SV) system.”
The Home Secretary, Theresa May has recently voiced her concerns, complaining that the elections look set to be fought out between unremarkable party stalwarts, including former police authority members, ministers and MPs.
One Whitehall source admitted: "The policy is in disarray. There is a chance it will be a damp squib."
In response he says, “I want to bring this election alive and show there is a new breed of leaders waiting in the wings ready to take power and change the status quo.”
The new Police and Crime commissioners will have the power to set budgets and to hire and fire chief constables.
They will step into the new posts – which carry a salary of between £65,000 and £100,000 – at a time of upheaval for the police service which faces cuts to staffing because of the Government's austerity drive.
Matt Taylor has the final word, “I’m going for it because I think it’s important to bring in new blood, to help direct the future of Sussex police. With the Chief Constable of Sussex, Martin Richardson facing misconduct charges, it makes sense to have an anti corruption candidate right in the centre of power.”
Whether Matt Taylor’s candidacy will bring a smile to Mrs May’s face, is anyone’s guess.