" In the UK, the recent experiences of one UAS conference, which was scared away from its original venue after protests, were also depressingly familiar. In this regard UAVs have become the favourite totem to be knocked down by a section of the peace movement'.
While the aspirations of the movement are to be admired. as most warfighters would agree, the fixation of this fringe element with the technology often leads them to miss the point.
Many people would agree that the policy of targeted assassination carried out by the US in Pakistan and elsewhere has been taken too far and is tantamount to extra-judicial killings.
UAVs do to some extent, enable this policy, but the same could be achieved with a manned system. Israel manages a similar type of capability without resorting to UAVs.
While such ingrained attitudes continue to prevail, it is likely to be difficult for the unmanned community to achieve the wider acceptance needed to gain access to civil airspace. While the industry is effectively engaged with the technical and regulatory challenges, the message seems to be far less clear when it comes to cultural issues.
Attitudes change, but that takes time and a clear, honest, coherent conversation by all sides. What you say, when you say it and who you say it to matters.
Darren Lake, Acting Editor "
Unmanned Vehicles. Volume 17. Number 4. August/September 2012. (p.3)

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09.08.2012 12:14
09.08.2012 12:20
UAVs do enable 'extra judicial killing' admits arms industry editor
09.08.2012 13:56
judge bathurst norman
09.08.2012 14:36
-Editor of "Bears Today" frankly discussing forestry defecation.
-Pope rumoured to be Catholic.
On a serious note though, it's nice to hear the anti-war movement is giving them a "cultural problem".
11.08.2012 13:16
UAV Present and Future Capabilities
U.S. Unmanned Aerial Systems
DoD Unmanned Aircraft Systems Acquisition
Undersea Warfare Future
Reading Data out of Predator Drone Video Feeds
Tear Gas UAVs
UAV frequencies
General Dynamics Land Systems - Canada, London Ontario, Canada: Critical to the production of the Stryker/USMC LAV Vehicle Integration
TenXsys -telemetry systems for remote monitoring, NASA
StreamBase -real-time data in government/military, RFID/sensor networks
SitScape -Command & Control Room hardware
TerraGo -geospatial mapping data GeoPDF
Geosemble -geospatial mapping
Paratek microwave -smart scanning antennas
Signal Innovations Group -signal, image, and video analytics
Electro Energy - nickel-metal hydride batteries for satellites & aircraft
Qynergy Corporation - Long-lived batteries -Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
Command Control and Communications Problems
100 LBS TO Low Earth Orbit (LEO): Small-Payload Launch Options
Military Demonstration and Disclosure of New Weapons