Shadow Sussex Police Crime and Commissioners
Matt Taylor explains, 'In the same way that Katy Bourne's job is to hold the Chief Constable to account, as Shadow Police and Crime Commissioners, we'll do the same to her.'
David Joe Neilson asks 'What does Katy Bourne intend to do about the murder cover-up of Katrina Taylor in 1996? Will she meet the family of Katrina Taylor to hear their story and answer their questions? The scale of corruption in Sussex Police is so massive it'll shock the country when the truth comes out.'
With a disappointing turnout in Sussex of nearly 16%, Katy Bourne won 30% of the votes in the first round and was forced to go to a second round before securing victory. The statistics reveal she won the PCC election with the support of only 4.8% of the people of Sussex.
'Its with this in mind that David and I have joined forces to ensure Katy Bourne lives up to her Oath of Office and listens to all the people, all the time, without fear or favour. As Shadow Police and Crime Commissioners we will analyse her every decision and scrutinise her every action. We will ask the pertinent questions; give praise where it’s deserved and support when it’s needed. We want the office of PCC to work and bring justice to the people of Sussex.
I trust as Shadow Police and Crime Commissioners, we will bring a much needed level of public scrutiny to elected PCC's. We invite all independent candidates across the country to join the Federation and together hold elected PCC's to account.'
Matt Taylor withdrew from the PCC election saying 'I'd be a fool to throw £5000 down the drain'. He now plans to run as a Councillor for the Moulsecoomb and Bevendean wards, before standing as a MP in the 2015 general election.
David Joe Neilson was forced to withdraw from the election after the Chief Constable Martin Richards, refused to release files on him which made his candidacy untenable. He plans to carry on being Britain's most feared whistle-blower and bring justice to the family of murdered Katrina Taylor.
Matt Taylor says, 'Being a candidate in the PCC elections has been a great experience. It’s taken me to another level of politics. I've met lots of interesting people and have moved in circles I otherwise wouldn't. I've learnt the police are under enormous pressures to get it right all the time and have also learnt about the times they don't get it right and have committed crimes to cover-up their own failings. It’s been an eye opener and has speared me on to go further in local politics.
Waging an internet election campaign where he posted daily campaign posters, and mock front news-pages, he soon earned himself a reputation as a maverick nutter.
His stance against police corruption further consolidated his reputation as Ian Chisnall, the third placed candidate says 'I am not sure which part of the election I enjoyed the most, when we were all together and you were talking about sacking Martin Richards to the horror of all present or when your appearance at Sussex University created such an overreaction by Katy and Godfrey.'
Justifying his actions he says 'I've stuck to my principles and promoted my unique brand of MAD politics, because I am MAD about politics.'
Matt Taylor advocated spoiling ballot papers with SOS, calling it Guerrilla Democracy and claims 5 confirmed votes for SOS as his own.
'The job of exposing police corruption and serving the public never ends and I will be at the fore-front of ensuring the people of Sussex get justice from their Police.'
For more information on the Shadow Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner see
The Results
Katy Bourne, Conservative: 59,635 votes
Godfrey Daniel, Labour: 40,765 votes
Ian Chisnall, Independent: 38,930 votes
Tony Armstrong, UKIP: 29,327 votes
David Rogers, Liberal Democrat: 20,579 votes
Matt Taylor, Unofficial Candidate, claiming: 5,982 spoilt votes (5 confirmed as SOS)