the protest had been organized by anti cuts network and others
When arriving at the meeting location we were surprised to see a load of swp stalls in front of the Mc donalds and yunus on the megaphone
the demonstrators decided to move to primark as there first venue much to the annoyance of the swp who played follow us
we got to pri-mark and entered the store to speak to the management
we were refused then along come the swp with there megaphones to try take us back to Mcdonalds activists decided we would go to speak to wh smiths instead soo marched along to whsmiths
we protested for around ten min's and activists went into the store to speak to managements
while this went on SWP michael dixon decided it was a good time to move on and leave activists in the store
people were unaware that we had left some people in the store because of michael dixon of the swp
this left the activists in side in a awkward situation luckily nothing had happened and they left the store soon after
Now for the Swp Photo shoot
the swp thought it would make them look "militant" to go in an have a sit in protest (note yunus or michael did not enter the store) a little bit of pushing and shoving happend by police ejecting the acitvits from Mc donalds and eventually they were forced out
Swp activsts Johny pickering decided it was good time to speak to the press as they had turned up he walked away with the press soo that no one else could be interviewed

luckily some activists had seen what was going on and stood next to the swp activist and interjecting when he said it was ORGANIZED by the swp and right to work this was not true unfortunately this was not reported in the press and it went down as a swp event again NOT TRUE
the swp had not participated IN ANY of the boycott workfare meetings and decided they would muscle in on the protest to make them look big
A big thanks goes out to all thoes from anti cuts network / fight racism fight imperlialism / north east anarchists / tyneside coalition of resistance and others who participated in the meetings and supported the event from the start (not muscelling in like the swp)
It was a good day loads of leaflets were handed out and bar a little bit of pushing and shoving it was a great day
we even had a applauding speech from a seven year old who was spot on about the cuts
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