Around 300 people from London, Birmingham, Bristol, Brighton, Leeds, Reading and Cardiff demonstrated at the Harmondsworth and Colnbrook detention centres near Heathrow on 8 April, 2006, to ensure that "those inside will hear our voices and know that they are not alone." The call out for the demonstration was made by London NoBorders, the Campaign to Close Heathrow Detention Centres, London Against Detention, and The Square Occupied Social Centre in solidarity with the Noborder actions in Australia.
There was a large police presence and they prevented detainees and demonstrators from establishing a line of sight: the demo was not allowed to take place in the field where detainees could see it from their windows. Security guards also prevented detainees from accessing the centre's exercise yard and didn't even allow them to approach the windows. Some detainees were reportedly beaten up when they protested against these restrictions. In response, some 150 detainees have gone on hunger strike.
Many phone calls from detainees were passed on to the demonstrators via a small sound system. Former detainees also gave live testimonies of their own experiences in detention.
Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4Audio reports
Videos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Read also: the Indymedia UK feature | timeline of the demo | last year's day of action.
asylum is not a crime
Birmingham NoBorders organised a 50-seat coach to Harmondsworth. The coach set off just after 8am, with about 30 people on board, including 2 kids. They were armed with leaflets and banners, pots and pans for making noise, and a guitar. Birmingham Food Not Bombs brought some nice vegan food and cookies. A few asylum seekers were also among them.
Upon arriving at Harmondsworth, the coach was not allowed to go to the initial starting point of the demo and was redirected and led by a police van. Some cops even assaulted one of the NoBorders activists when he tried to talk to them and forced him back on the coach. Eventually, the coach was parked away from the detention centre and people had to walk on the highway to get there.
The Rhythms of Resistance samba band were already playing. A number of former detainees, from various countries, then said a few words about their own experiences in detention through a small PA system, while everyone else, including the police, listened intently. One of them was Ali Rahimi from Wolverhampton and the Birmingham Anti Racist Campaign.
Before the demo, both Harmondsworth and Colnbrook detention centres announced that visiting hours were to be shortened. According to the police, the detainees were "upset and afraid" during the previous demo, claiming that they did not understand it was for their benefit. There were also concerns for the "safety of visitors", who "might get caught up in the demonstration or feel threatened."
The demonstration itself was prevented from taking place as planned, in a line of sight with the windows of the detention centre. Demonstrators had to converge at the gates of Harmondsworth, where they could not be seen by detainees. The reason given was concern for local residents (in a row of houses next to a loud dual carriageway!), who, according to the police, complained about the noise after the previous demo.
At the same time, security guards inside both detention centres prevented detainees from going outside the building or near the windows where they could see the demo. Some were forced back into their cells violently. In protest, some detainees have gone on hunger strike, starting from lunch time on that day.
About 40 people, however, managed to make their way around the side of Colnbrook where detainees could see and hear them from the windows, and they spent a long time communicating with people inside, before being moved on by police.
Around 100 yards down the road from the main demo at the entrance, a group of about 30-40 protesters were penned by the police, where some scuffles took place. A NUJ journalist was stopped from filming and assaulted by the police and dragged into the cordon. He showed his press card but the Metropolitan police (who have, only a couple of months ago, been issued with guidelines on respecting the freedom of the press) said that the card could be faked but did not check the pin number. He was detained for about 20 minutes until another journalist complained. The protesters in the cordon were eventually released but only after they have given their personal details. One of them was arrested for refusing to do that, but was later de-arrested after he gave his name and address.
Having given up on moving it to the fields, where it could be seen and heard by inmates (the police did not allow people to leave the pen as a group), the demonstration was coming to an end at around 2:30pm. Coaches, parked faraway, arrived one by one and demonstrators were "escorted" to their seats. Even after the coaches had moved, they were followed by police vans for quite a while.
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Fundamentally flawed
12.05.2006 16:02
You do not say who will ultimately foot the bill for your proposal of balkanising our country; you won't be around to address these issues. Neither will you account for the inevitable destruction of the environment and increased consumption (in accordance to the increased consumption currently taking place in Asia).
FACT is, we have borders all over the planet and for several reasons. This country, Europe and the US has absolutely NO obligation whatsoever to open its borders to what are predominantly Asian problems, created in the first instance by Asia. That is the crux of it..someone has to pay for it and pay for it in more ways than one.
We have no obligation to be balkanised and I find your cause laughable. You make a noise because unfortunately in this media-savy age people that make noise without substance, get heard first. Others questions the long-term sustainability of being belted over the head by the placard-waving "drop the border" coalition and time over, come away with the logical conclusion that your argument is both hysterical and flawed. It makes no account of population demographics or religious fundamentalism, economic migrants or consumption of resource..alas, why should thse daft things matter, eh? The world is already at one except for Britain..
Britain is too small, already overpopulated and already has an immigration system in a state of molestation. You are inferring that we - not you - will ultimately have to bare the brunt of uncontrolled borders and all the social upheaval such a move will entail.
When are these people going to wake up to the idea that Britain may have Blair as a PM, but we're not soft-targets and don't believe in the prophesies of your misguided, historical guilt complex..
(Expect the "drop the racist" slander any time now). Pathetic.
S. Higgins