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Leeds Bradford Gender Feature Archive

Ladyfest Leeds - 10th-15th April 2007

04-04-2007 12:00

Ladyfest Leeds Publicity

Celebrating creativity, diversity and gender equality in Leeds, Ladyfest Leeds will showcase female artists and performers in a number of venues across the city centre from 10th-15th April 2007.

Ladyfest Leeds is set to be the biggest Ladyfest the UK has ever seen with well over one hundred events across all the arts- spoken word, comedy, dance, theatre, visual arts, film, performance art, live music and workshops. As Amy Brachi, one of the organisers comments:

"Since we started preparations for Ladyfest Leeds, we have been amazed at the interest and support which we have received. Over 50 people are already involved in the festival as organisers, helping to secure venues, artists and to manage what looks like will be one of the largest events in Leeds in 2007. It is really fantastic to see many of our organisers learning new skills as well as others mentoring fellow volunteers.”

For further information, either read more or visit the event website.

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Leeds Queer Film Festival

14-10-2005 09:57


Queer Mutiny North Invites you to...
the first ever Leeds Queer Film Festival and...

The DIY collective will be showing a diverse range of films by queer film makers and around subjects of queerness, transgender, genderqueerness. On the weekend of the 14-16th October. The event is free. Movie style snacks and refreshments will be availiable for donations.

Later in the month they are holding a Dressing up Party with music, performance and a DRESSING UP RO0M! There are still slots for DJ's and performance so get in contact if you wanna play

For more info:
Movie festival program | Dressing Up Party | Queer Mutiny North website