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(((i))) Leeds Bradford

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Leeds Bradford Indymedia Newswire Archive

Climate Camp

08-09-2006 10:00

Travelling to a climate change camp presents questions

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Police Obstruction of Media around Climate Camp and Drax - call out for reports

01-09-2006 13:50

Throughout the week there have been reports of police harassment of journalists, videographers and photographers. Some have been obstructed while filming or taking pictures, others have been prevented from passing along public highways or footpaths. Some have been repeatedly subjected to searches while trying to cover events taking place around Drax...

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Photographer arrested over 'weapon' near Drax

01-09-2006 13:33

I've copied this from comments as it's important that it is seen. The media have been feed bullshit statements by the police about weapons being found on protesters and the story below is from one of those people (not a protester at all in this case). It's important to counter the deliberate misinformation coming from the police about weapons. Their press statements have resulted for example in a Reuters piece saying that the majority of those arrested were for possesion of weapons or crimnal damage which simply isn't true. The two arrests for weapons include the photograper below and a cyclist who had a screwdriver in his tool kit that the police said was an offensive weapon! Both these people have been released without charge and yet the police and media are still quoting these arrests as if they are indicative of violent intent by protesters....

(Would the author of the article below please contact either the legal or media team at the climate camp ASAP)

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Climate Camp Videos: Screening at Rampart tonight

31-08-2006 18:50

Videos and footage from today's action from the Climate Camp will be screened at Rampart tonight.
Start is at 8pm, but will carry on throughout the evening alongside Global Dimming and An Inconvenient Truth


BCB 106.6 FM Recruits Community Reporters

29-08-2006 18:39

Bradford Community Broadcasting 106.6 FM is recruiting a second round of community reporters to give a voice to their neighborhood's news and views. People in Bradford, Keighley and Shipley are welcome to apply. Call 771677 to check your post code eligibility!


York IMC launch meeting - 12 September

23-08-2006 15:11

New Independent Media Centre to be launched in York, 12 September

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Sheffield Indymedia's "Summer of Truth" Film Festival

26-06-2006 14:16

The Summer of Truth
Sheffield Indymedia has organised a series of film screenings that challange the concept of the perputal 'war on terror' and questions the real motives of the governments and corporations who are promoting this war.

These films have never been seen on TV or screened in the cinema.

One of the central themes of many of the films is the proposition that the attacks in New York and Washington on 11th September 2001 were actually an inside job organised by elements within the US administration in order to win public support for an offensive war to gain control of oil resources in the Middle East.

The films are screening every Sunday evening in July at SIF (Sheffield Independent Film) on Brown Street, entry is a suggested donation of £1 and there will be time for discussion about the issues raised in the films after each screening.

The titles, times and further information about the screenings follow, there is more details on the Sheffield Indymedia web site including links to download many of the films:

The films were due to be screened at the Matilda Social Centre but have had to be moved to SIF due to the eviction, more details on this story:

Please send any enquiries about the screenings to:

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PROJECTILE: A festival of anarchist film and culture 16-18 June Newcastle

18-05-2006 22:11

After the success of last year’s first Projectile
international festival of anarchist film & culture the organising collective are pleased to announce
the programme for the 2006 festival. The full
programme is below and on our website

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Hull Live Exports Demo - Report

07-05-2006 13:49

In solidarity with the demo in Dover, 35 activists met at Hull Docks to demo and expose their cruel involvement with the import and export of sheep, pigs and horses. The police presence was surprisingly small at the dock front, only 9 stood and watched as activists shouted and chanted "Stop Live Exports Animal Abuse!"


critical mass in newcastle

01-05-2006 16:16

may critical mass in newcastle


Indymedia needs YOU

17-03-2006 15:50

The global indymedia network is the work of hundreds of volunteers on many different levels, from the people who read the articles are speak to other people about what they read, the reporters who post their photos, video or first hand accounts, to the admins who check posts for breech of open posting guidelines, and the techies maintain the servers and develop the software....

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'Disabled People and Justice'in the Courts and legal advocacy'

03-03-2006 18:23

Urgent meeting to be called and organised within the representative individual voices and organisations within the disabled people's, survivors, neurodiversity, independent and inclusive living movements.

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Leeds Bradford Indymedia meeting

15-01-2006 01:21

It is time to get Leeds Bradford Indymedia on the move again. The newswire is ticking over but we need more volunteers to do features and actively report the news from our area.


Sheffield Indymedia's Pre Fest Film Night 17th Nov at Matilda FREE IN

15-11-2005 17:07

Thursday 17th November @ 8pm FREE ENTRY
Matilda Social Centre, 111 matilda street, S1 4QF
Giving a taster of the variety of films to be screened at the second Sheffield Indymedia Alt.Doc.Fest: Films from the Frontline, on 24-26th November


Strike me dead what a blinder.

18-09-2005 22:08

Some time ago, an Australian reader in comments said "sometimes I print out the best articles from Indy and leave them on my seat when I step off the tram on my way into the city".

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01-06-2005 10:21

a toyota subvert from the leeds area.



18-05-2005 10:08

a collection of billboard subverts from around the leeds area


The neo-Nazi BNP Plot The Murder of Black People

05-05-2005 09:45

The latest undercover tape (shot by a BNP member himself, and not a reporter), shows BNP politicians talking about murdering black people, and singing sonds about the Holocaust.

It's high time to make the BNP illegal, as this is pure incitement to genocide and racist murder.

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BNP unplugged

26-04-2005 05:13

Nick Griffin et al deliver a risible CD to homes in the Keighley area, including a song penned by the Great Chimaera himself!

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Urgent Anti-Racism

20-04-2005 21:43

Broadcasters have a responsibility not to incite racial attacks. Please ensure they act responsibility and pull the plug on the BNP's hatred and lies.

Adolf Hitler used the freedom of the press in his attempt to destroy mankind. The BBC and commercial broadcasters must be reminded to act accordingly.

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