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(((i))) Leeds Bradford

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Leeds Bradford Other Press Newswire Archive

Message for America from the King

30-07-2009 22:26

You watch grunts bombing men, women, and children
running for their lives from a Church service, and
ask yourself, am I going to live in a world where
such behavior is meted out against God's family of
Humanity, and say nothing in the defense of US still
falling victim to America's silence on such ungodly


Bradford Zine Fayre 2009

23-06-2009 11:12

solar powered sound system
Sunday 21st June saw a hoard of zinesters descend on the Treehouse Cafe, Bradford for a full day of zine trades, workshops and live poetry performance. Plus the compulsory vegan feast of culinary delights. Here's some photos and more details of what went down...


Bradford Zine Fayre - 21st June 2009

05-06-2009 18:04

On Sunday 21st June The Treehouse Café, Bradford, will become host to a glorious celebration of all things DIY and papery. 11.00 a.m. onwards
2 Ashgrove Bradford BD7 1BN


Carbon Trading and Copenhagen: the Climate Camp message the media ignored

23-05-2009 10:53

The next Climate Chaos Cafe will be at 6.45pm on Wednesday, 27th May, at the Common Place, Leeds. The topic of the evening will be "Carbon Trading and Copenhagen: the Climate Camp message the media ignored"


Sea Shepard Documentary - Whose side are you on?

24-04-2009 12:56

Whale Wars Stand at Leeds

A documentary is to be shown on the Discovery Channel on monday, 9pm which will feature footage of the Sea Shepard crew in action against the Japanese whaling Fleet.


Red all over?

23-04-2009 08:33

A quick response to the morning papers' response to the Budget. File under 'comment'...

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DIY newspaper hits the streets of Leeds

22-04-2009 13:41

Free copies of the Yorkshire Evening Pest are being handed out to
thousands of people across Leeds, in a format that mimics the city's
Yorkshire Evening Post – albeit with articles on the collapse of the
city centre, climate change, the role of public transport and the
financial turmoil at Elland Road.


Yorkshire Post: 'If anyone ever deserved a good slap, this woman..did'

18-04-2009 13:20

A columnist writing in the Yorkshire Post yesterday had this, somewhat controversial view published on the attack by a policeman on a woman demonstrating against police brutality.

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Dialect - Mass redundancies, the crisis in regional journalism

17-04-2009 12:55

Dialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) internet broadcasting Co-operative run by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every weekend. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Saturdays 9pm & Sundays 7pm


NEWSPEAK - A New Media Lens Book And An Urgent Appeal For Support

11-03-2009 19:59

We are delighted to announce that a new Media Lens book, ‘NEWSPEAK in the 21st Century,’ will be published by Pluto Press in the autumn.

John Pilger says of our book:

"Not since Orwell and Chomsky has perceived reality been so skilfully revealed in the cause of truth."


Climate Change is too important to be left to the polititians

21-02-2009 18:41

As the same tired responses and apparently ludicrous solutions keep on being advocated for climate change, I keep thinking, 'I'm just an amateur, what do I know? It may look wrong to me, but surely there's something those in power know that I don't'. I mean, they wouldn't carry on with these schemes and saying these untrue things otherwise, right? If I've got such a point in fields like medicine and architecture, whenever I dig deep I tend to find that yes, there is indeed some serious thing I was unaware of that disabuses me of my opinion.

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Nuked By Friend And Foe

21-02-2009 16:18

An unsentimental appraisal of our energy choices doesn’t boost your popularity. One of my favourite environmental writers, my friend Merrick Godhaven, is taking shots at me and Mark Lynas - It concerns that most divisive of green topics: nuclear power. Merrick argues that if you express even qualified support for new nukes, it takes the pressure off governments to invest in renewables and reduce energy consumption. He also exposes the contradictions in the positions Mark and I have taken over the years.

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