After the arrests on the demonstration the previous day, Team dressed in Guantanamo Bay orange jump suits demonstrate outside South Yorkshire Police HQ and magistrates Court. Then they process through town centre, taking in the City Hall [where they appeared in a wedding!], Millenium Gardens, Starbucks and Macdonalds, back to convergence centre.
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK


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Guantanamo Bay 12
20.06.2005 23:49
How can anyone who saw these people on Friday, NOT make the links with Guantanamo Bay and the deliberate ignorance of and perversion of international law and human rights?
WELL DONE People. SERIOUSLY well done. I thought that M was joking when this idea was expressed and, although it seems like nearly all the press and G8 suits had "gone home" by then, I think that, from the photos at least, this seems like one of the top actions and demos in Sheffield in recent times, notwithstanding, the fairly regular Guantanamo/Belmarsh vigils at the Town Hall/Peace Gardens.
Gesture, certainly. This action gestures ignorant and unknowing people to look, think and talk about these IMPORTANT issues.
(Or maybe I miss the point and they were all just out having a laugh? Like you do?)
I doubt it. I praise it.
Fence sitter
from The Star
25.06.2005 19:29
Sheff Star article
G8 events reports
26.06.2005 00:40
Maybe, the Star and authorities and "totally disinterested" Sheffield Public at large would take keener interest in unscrupulous and unjust world affairs if pesky (peace) protestors wore badges or clothing items labelled as "OFFICIAL PROTESTOR"!?
That would be the answer then, wouldnt it?
Please DO say, if your reply is "official" or unofficial".
Arty Ficial