Next meeting after this one is on the 19th october at the Sumac centre, and LAND ROOTS benefit gig on the 15th dec.
At the meeting on the 15th we will be starting to set up sub groups, for
a. putting together the environmental policy,
b. benefit gig, musos etc
c. working on the legal stuff
if any of these is your cup of Tea come along,
or just come and find out wot its all about
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land roots potential for mass movement
13.09.2005 09:19
We are looking for people interested in doing similar, email me, and I'll put you on the mailing list. Monthly open meetings, next 2 are Thurs 15th Sept @ the I.C.C. 8pm, and Weds 19th Oct @sumac, 8pm
Launch of the project will be on December 15th (full moon!), where we will have a benefit gig, (Wholesome Fish and Trickster confirmed so far, plus much more) at the Polish Centre, on Sherwood Rise in Nottingham, we are aiming to have all the legal stuff in place by then to invite people to join. We will be forming a 'Comminity Enterprise Company', to achieve our aims. Membership will be through the purchase of Eco-Shares in the land, @ £250 each, this could be paid @ £5 per week on direct debit for 1year and then the share is yours.
The share will entitle you to be on the land for 28 days out of the year, yes, kindalike an eco time share, but oh so much more! Free or nearly free workshops of all kinds will happen there. Some people will live there full time, that will be those with the skills, ie ecobuild, farmers, permaculture people, workshop leaders, admin etc. These places will be limited due to the constraints of planning law at the moment, so if you think you may be one of these people get in touch.
This has the potential to be HUGE, the more people that join, the more money, the more land, Buy Back The Commons!
The time is here to do this, what are we waiting for, we need to get in there quick and buy up many plots of land that will be suitable for this venture, asap. This life isn't a rehersal its the real thing! So get Passionate and get involved!
in the immortal words of Mark Twain,
"They don't make it anymore!"
Sharon Freida Mai Pollitt
sharon freida mai pollitt