Asbo Community Centre is opening this Saturday in the Asboetum / Radford Area. This new community centre has been opened up after a group of local people moved into three abandoned council properties in August.
The houses had previously been abandoned for seven years, suffering from vandalism and misuse. They have now been opened on the ground floor by the residents and their neighbours in an attempt to return the properties to the community previously kept out by metal security grills. The council who own the building are currently considering evicting the new occupants, but have adjourned two court cases because of the large amount of community support for the residents. The council are interested in the project, and have said it would be allowed a period of time to prove whether this new sort of 'people-run' project really can work.
The Asbo Centre is opening its doors on Saturday at 2pm. There will be 'Broad Bean' Internet access all afternoon. 'Broad Bean' believes in the freedom of information to all, and asks for donations only. 'Kranks' Bike maintenance workshop will run from 3-6pm, and is open to all ages of people who have bikes they want to learn how to fix. There will be a 'Free Shop' open from 3pm. If you have any good quality stuff to give away, or need a thing or two – visit this free exchange. The People's Kitchen will be serving from 5.30pm till 7pm. People from the local area are cooking a hearty meal for anyone who feels hungry. Come along and help chop in the afternoon, or just turn up for the food. Donations of food, time and cash welcome!
These events will be running every Saturday. All the events are being put on to try and build a better community for everyone. No one gets paid money to work in the Asbo Community Centre, and all money received goes straight back into the project.
Everyone is welcome. Fliers will be available soon here for distribution. If you have ideas of stuff you would like to see or do at the Asbo Community Centre please email
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