5:30pm - 6:30pm Upstairs at The Peacock 11 Mansfield Rd
(Its hired for free so this gathering is FREE, you will not be asked for name or details be as annonymous as you like)
Followed by an evening of fun making banners, and other such items to make ourselves feel less invisible and creatively safer on the roads at:
[To Be Confirmed, will let you know closer to next Friday. We will head off together from The Peacock if so]
ASBO Community Space
35 Burns St - 7:00pm

So bring paints and scraps and all things bright and fun!
Suggested areas of thought are safety, numbers, ethos, routes, communication, leaflets and how to increase fun (or seriousness depending on view point!). And underlying this is the thought of whether any of these need to be discussed or organised at all etc..
This wont be a strict meeting, there will be no chair person and there will be no heirachy. It's our first chance to get to know one another and get a feeling of the views and opinions of all individuals. Anybody can and should speak here!
Also you can spread the word of critical mass by printing off the flyers that have been posted on indymedia. These are soon to be updated if they have not already been. Cut em up and tape them in loops around handlebars.

(right click on pdf and select save target as... this will download to desktop where you can open it)
Pics of Critical Mass and info:

I hope you can all make it and pass this on to anyone who would be interested. Everyone is welcome even if you have never been on a critical mass!