I'm sure Tash will do better pics soon
No messin with our Thingy
The Thingy is so popular it only took less than one minute of us arriving for the wonderful city community wardens to pounce and tell us that we should turn the music off and that we couldn’t park it there. We could of course have parked it across the middle of the street in St Ann’s, Forest Fields, etc and they would never have known ‘cos they don’t like to stray too far from the council house where there are plenty of kids to harass. (Mind you one of them had a sense of humour saying that we needed a permit, as we were street peddlers!)
I should not be too unkind on them, if they didn’t have these jobs they would end up just wandering the city streets aimlessly…....er, well actually……
Anyway, we posted our own scary security geezers (see photo) and the hobby bobbies didn’t bother us again. (they will be next time ‘cos they read Notts Indymedia, hurrah).
Still plenty of work to do on it so come and get involved at ASBO bike workshop.
(Will some of you creative types please, please PLEASE come up with suggestions for a name for it.)