(Sumac Cafe also open 11am - 3pm).
Films and live music from 7pm, with Sumac bar open until 10.30.
Info & stalls invited on the theme of action on climate change, as well as ranging associated issues for peace, cooperation and social justice.

If you can help with the Sumac/Veggies side of things, eg setting up facilities, volunteering at the bar, preparing/donating (vegan) food, clearing afterwards etc, please call Pat on 0845 458 9595 or email

Veggies will provide a free buffet, inviting donations for Vegfam: Vegfam is a vegan charity which provides relief to victims of drought, flood, war and other emergencies. Vegfam promotes the advantages of a vegan diet and lifestyle for feeding the world in an environmentally friendly way.
See also Scroat Cinema Climate Change Special on Wednesday 26th April. Details at Scroat Cinema Website.
A County Climate Change Network called '*Outlook Nottinghamshire'*, to be launched by Friends of the Earth, with other relevant organisations and groups, shortly before this event.
Details from Callie Lister:

Camp For Climate Action is an action and educational based camp happening in the north of England this summer that hopes to act as a focus and a catalyst for grassroots action on climate change.
For more information: Climate Camp - Nottingham Group, email

Other local groups and campaigns related to Climate Change include:Critical Mass :

Friends of the Earth :

Greenpeace :

Movement for Compassionate Living :

No M1 Widening :

Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill [NAIL] :

Nottingham Dissent :

Nottinghamshire Transport 2000 :

Pedals :

Search for Climate Change items on Nottm Indymedia
Live Music from the Darlings
18.04.2006 15:53
Other performers invited!
Also any groups campaigning on Climate Change or any other social justice issues come and network.
Please contact Ian on 0115 924 5785 or email
A Free Buffet will provided by Veggies, but donations will be invited in memory of Vegfam Founder, Frieden Howward, who died recently. See