Duplicitous suits have turned up in bulk at 8:15am and are now (8:45am) changing the locks, contrary to what was said yesterday. Can anyone who is able and gives a shit please get down here now. To begin with they told us that they were not going to ask us to leave. True to their word, but leaking shit from their smug and condescending faces (Hey - I'm a media luvvie, we can work together, lets do lunch, ciao! etc...) we have now been told that if we do not leave the police will be called to arrest us as trespassers.
We are physically outnumbered and could use some props. Any volunteers...?

And the second:
I believe YF are busy "securing" the building RIGHT NOW
ie 10am 14 June 2006
If anybody wants to pass by and check this out. PLEASE DO!

14.06.2006 11:28
Matilda eviction
Matilda eviction
Matilda eviction
Emergency Meeting at 4pm - Pictures from eviction -
14.06.2006 11:35
Building on new locks
closing doors
builders cars
no way!
but if you can, make it down before that....!!!!
Come down and stop the eviction of Matilda!!!!
Emergency meeting 2pm
14.06.2006 11:51
The electricity might be shut off here at 1pm...
2pm Update
14.06.2006 13:03
The door is currently open, YF and the builders and the police have left and the plan is for the 15-20 or so people here to have a meeting at 2pm (now!) to decide what to do next...
Background info:
Lock changing photos
14.06.2006 13:42
Yorkshire Forward and builders
Police Cars
Builders working on the front door
Police visit... nothing came of it
Builders vans and police car
Now it's 2:40pm and there are over 20 matilda activists meeting to decide what to do next...
Yorkshire Forward Notice
14.06.2006 14:22
Yorkshire Forward Notice
Section 6 Notice
14.06.2006 14:51
Section 6 Notice
BBC reporter reading section 6 notice
No eviction yet
24.06.2006 01:16
Eviction will take place on Tuesday 27th June at 9 am , so please let's show support there and then as well as attending final farewell meeting at Matilda premises earlier on Monday 26th June at about 7,30 pm or earlier....
It has been proposed that our stories, poems, photos or viewpoints of these developments concerning Matilda are stuck or posted on to the black external walls and door of the Matilda art gallery (which was built by the moles). Using blue tack and simple non toxic glue, A4 papers.
Long Live Matilda Spirit