Corporate Capitalism is run by SATAN through the use of WAR.
Satan loves a bomb. Collateral damage is his term.
Military Corporate Capitalism is Godless.

Military Corporate Fascism (Military Corporatism) and the fall of the USA from world dominance.
It is easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle, than a rich man into heaven. (But not impossible.)
Corporate Capitalism is run by SATAN through the use of WAR.
This is a fundamentally correct statement and those that are fundamental or extremist in their beliefs will be afraid of its truth. The fundamentalist and extremist are ruled by fear; this is a major connection to Satan’s dominance in Military Corporate Capitalism. (Military Corporate Capitalism is run by the little devil in all of US, and supported through the military procurement of resources, - often by other Corporate Capitalistic regimes that use military strength to steal it from their people. These types of governments are being overthrown through elections of peasant natives, uprisings, and revolutions.)
Satan has taken on a life of his own through Corporate Capitalism and WAR. As long as the fundamentalist ignores and denies the little devil in them - and what it is creating, the more power it is giving Satan through WAR, death and destruction, and the shock and awe it creates when babies and small children are blown up. Satan loves a bomb. Collateral damage is his term.
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Corporate Capitalism is the refuge of Satan.
Fundamentalists and extremists are in power; it is the nature of human control.
Until the fundamentalist and extremist realize there is no GOD in corporate capitalism, and it is owned by Satan, they will keep fighting for it and investing in it. To deny the evil in corporate capitalism is easy, and that is exactly what Satan wants. The truth is known by all, and GOD will punish the non-believer, for denying themselves truth and therefore GOD; - and giving existence to Satan.
Satan’s worldwide WAR costs have ballooned over the last decade.
US trade deficits have been artificially held down by militaristic corporate ownership of many resources in third world countries (developing countries). These countries are now rebelling and re-possessing their natural resources and their distribution in the world market. This is why corporate capitalism and Satan are on edge. I see this “trend” in the world marketplace accelerating. As more developing nations take ownership and possession of their natural resources, - the cost to the USA will be enormous. Corporate media (Satan) and the US Federal Government will ignore this ballooning trade deficit and loss of control and dominance in world natural resource procurement and distribution, and the US economy will plunge into a depression.
Military based Corporate Capitalism is fascist and has never been anything else.
I do not feel capitalism in itself is fascist; I feel it is more dictorial; as to the ownership of the money, how it was created, and how it is spent. (A personal budget is a dictatorship. There are some great dictators out there doing great things with their personal budgets.).
Corporate Capitalism and the LLC is evil, SATAN runs it.
People in the USA have wanted to feel it is there democratic system or democratic capitalism that is felt and understood about the USA in other countries, but our Corporate Capitalism is what is felt, and it is more like a fascist dictator protected by mercenaries and money and power; another drug and war lord; that is the corporation. The world has known this longer than we have. (And down comes the twin towers and still the sheep sleep.)
To destroy Corporate Capitalism will be impossible, they will be bought out and infiltrated by people who will liquidate those who would treat an *alien-native population as less than human, it will happen, but it will take time and education, starting with the CEO.
In real time, you vote with your money, and this system we now have is paid for by the US people, and the corporations we support with our money; and the politicians they support. Everybody wants it cheap, so we have sold ourselves out for nothing.
This can’t last, no human profit or evolution in it, we do not gain, GOD losses, and SATAN wins.
SATAN owns the souls of many Corporate Capitalists, and he bought them very cheaply with buckets of money, it will take more than money for these godless souls to enter heaven, but like I said, it is not impossible.
Corporate Capitalism is run by Satan through WAR.
*You will embrace the foreigner, immigrant, or alien amongst you as one of your own, or you will go to hell. If you need to research this; please do; ask a theologian, read something, and if I’m wrong, please get back to me with that research.
Kenn Dzaman

As a veteran, I must take a closer look at this oath that I have held near my heart for so long. Of the three parts of the soldier's oath, obedience to the President is third, placing it in the lowest priority in my mind. Next, being only one of three parts of the oath, the greater weight is obviously given to the Constitution. Finally, unlike the other two parts of the oath, the section requiring obedience to the President is tucked inside a clause about adherence to military regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the only part of the oath specifically about the troop's conduct during the period of enlistment. This appears to be a deliberate tie into the military service of the new recruit, thus the one part of the oath that ends with the term of enlistment. From these, I see my marching orders written on the wall.
My first allegiance is to The Constitution of the United States; my first duty is to protect it from all enemies, foreign and domestic; and my vow of obedience to the President of the United States expired in 1982.
Therefore, I stand today opposed to my President, and the anti-American, un-Constitutional, unpatriotic Administration for which he serves as figurehead. I will do my part to voice my opposition, educate the populace, diligently support my political causes, and work with others to restore American freedoms to their former glory.
As a soldier, I made a promise. As a veteran, I will carry that promise with me to the end of my days.
Oct. 5, 2006: A Day of Mass Resistance
Plan To Make October 5, 2006 the day the whole world comes to know there is a Force in this Country Determined to Drive Out the Bush Regime.

it aint big, it aint clever, it aint safe (for anybody) - but. . . .
20.06.2006 18:02
this aint to say that existence mightnt have a lot of extra "mysterious ways" too - BUT its worth having some comprehension of old bullshit scams . . . . + nu tech . . . . after all, since the washed up mesmerists of the failed rogue european outpost of the russian tsarist secret police got to the uk + usa in the 1920s, it was a favoured scam - sometimes with disastrous longterm effects, as the unwitting "stooges" hassled local churches when they had "time off" - without any attempt to discover the actual "pagan-christian traditions" local OR global facts. . . . though later some tried to use this to cover scams with feuds, etc!
. . . . but it aint diabolical - except diabolically stupid
21.06.2006 17:38
21.06.2006 18:06