found in skips, given away on freecycle, or tatted from building sites. The
more of this stuff we find, the more sustainable (and cheaper) the site
will be to set up.
The wish list is here:

There will be prizes at the camp for whoever (individuals and neighbourhoods) can supply the most tat, and for the most imaginative or audacious items tatted!
It is REALLY IMPORTANT that you e-mail

phone (07950 322848) if you can supply any of it; otherwise we will
be buying lots of things we don't need. We can help with transport but
need advance warninvery soon.
We also DESPERATELY need storage space in Yorkshire, please get in
touch if you can help
why do I blab ?
26.07.2006 21:52
Quote "or tatted from building sites"
Don't quite know what tatted means but you can find low-power solar-panels at the sides of most motorways nowadays, I assume as part of some secretive government campaign to provide free power locally. An appropiate driver and a pair of insulated snips and Robert is indeed your uncle, as long as there aren't any cameras trained on you.
Is that what tatted means ?
anyone fancy some camping before the climate camp?
27.07.2006 08:35
for more details go to:
the site is in a beautiful bit of woodland and is set to be destroyed in order to build 600 houses and expand a road at the cost of over 100 trees. there has been massive local support for the campaign despite the police intimidation that has been recently going on.
if you can get down then go