From 26th August - 4th September, the camp promises education about climate change and sustainable living, with around 150 workshops scheduled, ranging from practical building and permaculture activities to the advanced science behind climate change. Workshops include analysis of the problems and causes of climate change and strategies on how to confront it - both practically on a grassroots level and politically. Those holding the workshops range from grassroots community activists to internationally-known academics, and from MPs to representatives of environmental NGOs.
During the time of the camp there will also be a Reclaim Power mass direct action against Drax power station (the UK's largest single emitter of CO2 emissions) on August 31st, as well as opportunitites to discuss resistance to nuclear power, the aviation industry, mining and road building schemes and corporate sponsored damage to the environment. The camp will be held on a legally occupied site, and aims to demonstrate practical solutions in action. Power usage will be minimised and the site will be powered by alternative energy sources.
Recently on 18th July climate change activists occupied a lighting tower at Didcot power station in Oxfordshire. Three climbers scaled the tower and unfurled a 50-foot orange and black banner with the words 'Climate Crime' [see pics]. Just prior to that, July 15th was an 'International Day of Direct Action for Climate Justice, against Climate Change and the G8' [see action roundups 1 | 2 | 3 | 4] which coincided with the G8 Summit in Russia. In London, Tulchan Communications, a public relations firm that works for Drax power station, was forced to deny it had been sacked by Drax for failing to make it look good, after a spoof press release was circulated [report]. See also: Climate Action News Sheet: June 06 | July 06 | Social Centers meeting at the climate camp
Mass callout to help build the climate camp
Links: Camp for Climate Action website | IMC Climate | Download programme PDFAlso Upcoming:
- Call for Action against G8 + 5 Climate Summit: Oct 3-4, Mexico [background]
- UK Climate Change Bill - 'Big Ask' Lobby (12 Sept - 11 Oct)
- International Climate Change Demonstrations: 4 Nov, prior to UN Climate Talks (COP 12/ MOP 2) in Nairobi (6-17 Nov). See National Climate March, London (4th Nov) | "I-Count"
More Links and Resources:
Report: Driving up carbon dioxide emissions from road transport: analysis of current Gov projections (July 06 - 45 pages pdf)
FOE Release: G8 to feed oil addiction, fuelling climate change (14/07/06)
UK Gov Energy Review - Greenpeace response (11/07/2006)
AirportWatch launch Rethink! campaign on Aviation Policy (26/06/2006)
New Christian Aid Report: The climate of poverty: facts, fears and hope (16/06/2006 - 48 pages pdf)
IIED Report: Climate Change and Development Links (May 06 - 45 page pdf)
Whatever the Weather: Media attitudes to reporting climate change (Panos report) (March 06 - 20 pages pdf)
The G8, Environment and Climate Change - IMCuk Resources (2005)
New Internationalist Magazine NUCLEAR Issue(2005)
New Directions in Climate Justice: A US Earth First! Call for Radical Ecological Action Against Climate Change
Powerswitch - info about peak oil
Tiempo Climate Newswatch - weekly news
Climate Camp Links page
For those coming from Nottingham
11.08.2006 18:10
Nottingham Climate Campers
Full workshop programme now online!
11.08.2006 18:22
Check it out at
If you haven't already decided to come then this will convince you!
Don't miss it.
Climate Camper