Here are the ones so far list in Nottingham and Notts.
There must be others... send details to:

The names of the biometric systems in use are given in brackets.
Listed under DERBYSHIRE:
Trent College, Long Eaton, Nottingham, NG10 4AD / Tel: 01159 732 737 (Eclipse)
Lakeview Sixth Form Centre, Queens Road West, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 5AL / Tel: 01159 177 007 (Eclipse)
Redhill School, Redhill Road, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 8GX / Tel: 01159 261 481 (Eclipse)
South Wolds Community School, Church Drive, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5FF / Tel: 01159 373 506 (Eclipse)
The Nottingham Emmanuel School, Coronation Avenue, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7AD / Tel: 01159 144 111 (Eclipse)
One other not yet listed under Notts:
Toot Hill School
The Banks, Bingham
Nottingham NG13 8BL
Tel: 01949 875550 • Fax: 01949 875551

Company unknown - Fingerprinting is part library system:

Please also get in touch with Nottingham Defy-ID who are fighting ID cards and the National Identity Register, and related issues (details on website).
really, really sick
31.08.2006 10:31
Fingerprinting, child index, ID cards for adults, what next?
12.09.2006 22:15
Alarming rise of Children’s ID databases and biometrics in schools
Little Brother | 22.08.2006 01:47 | Education | Repression | Technology | Cambridge | Nottinghamshire
not a number
Fingerprinting, child index, ID cards for adults, what next? - correct link...
13.09.2006 10:54
Alarming rise of Children’s ID databases and biometrics in schools
Little Brother | 22.08.2006 01:47 | Education | Repression | Technology | Cambridge | Nottinghamshire
not a number