Dear All,
The University of Nottinghams strategy group on Crime, Security and Defence would like to announce a seminar on the morning of Wednesday 20th September, beginning 9.30am in room C28 of the Coates Building on University Park. All academic and research staff are welcome see the
attached flyer.
This seminar will constitute the current research challenges and funding opportunities in the areas of crime, security and defence. Speakers include the Nottinghamshire Chief Constable, Steve Green and Chief Inspector Howard Swift from the Police Information and Technology Organisation (PITO), to discuss the relevant issues of crime and security. There will also be speakers to highlight a range of funding
opportunities from UK Research Councils and the European Union. One such presenter is Dr. Martin Pickard, a university consultant with over 20 years of experience in European Union funding, and will be available to
provide advice, guidance and support with potential applications.
The seminar is open to everyone to attend, but prior registration by the 13th September is recommended as places are limited. To register or for further details please contact

Lorna on 0115 9514094.
Updated information on this event will also be made available on the strategy groups website at

I hope you and your colleagues will be able to attend the seminar to find out about some of the exciting research challenges and funding opportunities in the crime, security and defence area.
Please feel free to circulate the attached flyer.
Miss Lorna Goodwin
Strategy Group Research Coordinator,
Crime, Security and Defence Strategy Group, University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, NG8 1BB
Tel: 0115 9514094
Crime, Security and Defence website:
