ASBO Squat, Burns Street, Nottingham
360 QTVR panoramic vista image
You need Quicktime for this. You can then open this link and you will see a 360 degree panoramic vista, around the ASBO Community Squat in Burns Street, Radford.
.MOV file is 3.6Mb. Please wait a mo, for it to download.
With the new page or viewer open, drag the cursor arround on the image and it will rotate and pan up and down. You can also zoom in and out.
[ Quicktime Download at:

In Nottingham the ASBO Squatted Community Centre is still up and running and needs people to get involved.

more background to squatting actions, here in Nottingham:
Squatting :: Some Current Advice

Links to more information and pictures about the Nottingham squats' progress
Nottingham :: Burns St Squatting Project

J B Spray Building Occupied / Evicted / Reoccupied

Spray Building Squat, Radford: A Guided Tour

Spray Squat Party 1 : Acoustic Gig

Spray Building Squat : Nottingham County Court Appearance

Spray Squat Party 2 : Acoustic Gig, with diner