together through music to oppose racism. Racists like the BNP have conned some people into supporting them, they can be stopped. In fact they have to be stopped because the BNP's new-found suits and smiles disguise some ugly politics. They stand for division and racial violence, and ultimately the politics of Hitler's Holocaust and a desire for "ethnic cleansing" to produce an all-white Britain.
LMHR believes our music unites us and gives us strength, and offers a vibrant celebration of our multicultural and multiracial society. LMHR work from the grassroots up, so join us today in saying no to racism and fascism.
Our music is living testimony to the fact that cultures can and do mix. It unites us and gives us strength, and offers a vibrant celebration of our multicultural and multiracial society. Racism seeks only to divide and weaken us. Love Music Hate Racism (LMHR) was set up in 2002 in response to rising levels of racism and electoral successes for the Nazi British National Party (BNP).
We use the energy of our music scene to celebrate diversity and involve people in anti-racist and anti-fascist activity – as well as to urge people to vote against fascist candidates in elections. LMHR has helped to mobilise against further BNP election victories, in the tradition of the Rock Against Racism (RAR) movement of the late 1970s.
There have been now been over 200 LMHR events, from large outdoor festivals to local gigs and club nights. Top artists who’ve performed at LMHR events include Ms Dynamite, Pete Doherty, Estelle, Basement Jaxx, Doves and Kasabian. Just as important are the up-and-coming bands, DJs, MCs and their fans who have performed at or organised their own local LMHR nights.
We want to create a national movement against racism and fascism through music, so it’s vital everyone gets involved however they can.
You might think that in Nottingham we dont have a huge problem with Racism but in December at the marcus garvey white power fascist group "white law" made their presence known and disrupted and caused damage to the venue. Also a separate incident occurred recently in Lenton at the gregory where BNP supporters entered the pub and the police had to be called.
The problem we have is not that there arnt more people who share the dim uneducated views of these groups its that as the stronghold for BNP and other fascist organisation grows the fight against these groups dwindles as everyone thinks its a small problem. Yes it is a small problem and lets keep it that way by working together to support this cause and also the fund raiser @ the marcus garvey ballroom on Thursday 22nd March.
Nottingham promoters have agreed to lend their time to put together an amazing lineup for the show with Spectrum, Detonate, Camouflage, Firefly, Dollop,Percussion (not in any order lol) and many more providing the djs.
If you would like to be involved in promoting this show or would like to lend your services in anyway please contact

Lineup for Thursday 22nd March
Pete Jordan - Transit Mafia - Hexadecimal
+ Delirium Funk (live) + Natty (live)
+ djs from Dollop, Percussion and Firefly
830pm - 2am
@ marcus garvey ballroom
Every heroin addict in the UK is funding the global Jihad with their addiction
27.03.2008 00:46
Whilst the BNP policy on drugs is to hang the importers and dealers, the Far Left groups such as the UAF are actively promoting drugs to young people by promoting the drug addicted pop stars that they use in their campaigns against the BNP.
The Far Left and magazines such as the NME regard drug addiction as something to be praised, a symbol of anti-establishment rebelliousness and reward drug addicted minor pop stars with awards and fame.
We make no apologies for using the image of Rachel Whitear on BNP leaflets. The recent massive surge in publicity over the issue of heroin addiction we hope has brought this issue to attention once again. Our sole concerns are that no more young people become junkies, and that profits from the heroin trade no longer subsidise the global Jihad.
The newspapers that have attacked the BNP for using the image of Rachel Whitear are the same newspapers that make millions of pounds from printing pictures of Pete Doherty, Kate Moss and Amy Winehouse using drugs. Those newspapers glamorise the stars that use drugs and then profit from selling pictures of them using drugs. Their hypocrisy is sickening.
The Labour government have announced today that they are granting junkies a license to steal. Drug addicts will no longer go to prison if they burgle your homes, rob your shops and terrorise your streets. Because the government regard self inflicted drug dependent junkies as ‘victims’ they are going to allow them to break the law with utter impunity due to their dependency on drugs.
In the mean time our taxes will also have to subsidise their trips to rehab clinics that will not work as they themselves do not want to come off drugs. Forcing junkies to attend rehab is pointless as a junkie will only come off drugs when they are ready to do so, not when the government wants them to.
This state of affairs exists because the government regards the heroin addict as a victim and not as a criminal, even though no-one forced them to buy the drugs and inject the drugs.
The BNP do not regard heroin addicts as victims, as the true victims of heroin addiction are only the innocent men, women and children of Afghanistan and Iraq who are being blown up, killed and left limbless by Islamist terrorist bombs funded by the heroin trade in the UK.
The other victims of heroin are young British soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan against those Islamist terrorists who are being blown up and shot by weapons funded by heroin grown in Afghanistan, smuggled into the UK via Pakistan, Albania and Turkey and sold in the UK.
Heroin addiction is tantamount to treason, as the Taliban and Al Qaeda cannot operate without the money from heroin.
The old response to heroin addiction was to treat the addict as a victim and see the problem only in relation to the individual. The time has come to deal with the issues of who is bringing the heroin into the UK, how they are bringing it into the UK and why the government has not targeted those communities who they know are primarily responsible for bringing drugs into the UK.
Political Correctness rewards the Islamists growing and smuggling the heroin into the UK, it allows the Islamist terrorists to make fortunes from heroin smuggling to fund the jihad, it enriches the immigrant gangsters in the UK who smuggle it into Britain and it rewards the junkie and punishes the victims of their crimes.