(to avoid being shot by the Yanks)
Thursday 29th March
Venue: The Cricket Pavillion, Wollaton Sports Club
Doors open 7:45pm – show commences 8-15pm
I'm Walking Backwards to Baghdad
(to avoid being shot by the Yanks)
A satirical Goon-style review by Lord Biro.
Venue: The Cricket Pavillion, Wollaton Sports Club
753 Wollaton Rd (nr Admiral Rodney pub)
Thursday 29th March
Doors open 7:45pm – show commences 8-15pm
Admission - £2/£1 (concessions)
Bar closes 11:00pm
Plot: Cherie Blair has an argument with Tony at the Queen Mums funeral, walks out, gets drunk and goes on Hyde Park where she meets and falls madly in love with Elvis, now an ageing left wing revolutionary dedicated to overthrowing George Bush who he believes will bring disaster to the Middle East (Presley's current hideout) and trigger off the battle of Armageddon...
The show also features: DJ 'Little Elvis' and his Rock n'Roll Disco
with a special guest appearance by 'Caszandra' – Arabic dancer