The Art Organisation
21 Station Street
Nottingham NG2
Wednesday 20th June to Wednesday 4th July 2007
11am - 7pm (not Sunday)
The exhibition by Dave Bishop (Lord Biro) consists of drawings, collage, cartoons, poetry and election flyers covering Blairs reign of power.
'the Bushburger Frying Solar-Powered Electric Chair'
Subjects covered include, the abolition of Clause 4, the Dome Fiasco, the death of the “Peoples Princess”, Blunkett’s downfall, Sleaze, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, New Labour spin, Climate Change, Cherie Blair’s hair-dressing bills etc.
Highlight of the exhibition is 'the Bushburger Frying Solar-Powered Electric Chair' an art installation made out of recycled wood, painted green complete with solar panel and a dummy of President GW Bush dressed in an orange boiler suit. The installation is based on a Church of the Militant Elvis Party flyer which was pushed through voters doors in Arboretum Ward (April 2003). i.e 'In order to boost his green image, our candidate would like to see planet-wrecker George Bush stuck in the electric chair. Solar-powered, naturally – vote Lord Biro'.