The theme of the festival this year is Earth, Wind and Fire, focusing on green energy. Schools and youth groups around Sneinton have been working hard to make fantastic costumes for this year’s parade and with a grant from the Arts council we have been able to make the festival the best one yet creating a sense of pride within the community and involving local children increasing their self esteem, skills and confidence in art.
This year the festival will run over a week starting from Saturday 7th July with the launch of the festival at the Sneinton market including a craft fair from 9am -1pm.
Monday the 9th and Tuesday the 10th head down to St Christopher’s church for the Sunflower Café. A place where you can relax, have a bite to eat with friends or read the paper with a cup of tea.
On Tuesday the 10th from 6.30-8.30 pm at the Hermitage centre come and learn some tricks from some of the most dedicated festival goers in Sneinton. This is a fun, hands on session including drumming, poi, stilt walking, juggling, face-painting and balloon modeling. Everyone welcome, whatever your age or ability.
On Wednesday 11th, an Arts session is held at Sneinton Library from 3.30pm to 5.30 pm. From 6.30 -8.80 Music lessons for kids in Sneinton are held at the Hermitage centre with food available. Also, come and see the historical Sneinton Hermitage Caves. This fascinating part of old Sneinton, where people lived and work will be open to all for viewing from 5 – 8pm.
On Thursday 12th Greenwood infant school will be holding their summer fair, why not pop along and show your support. From 6.30 to 10pm at the Hermitage is an international celebration of food, music and dance from around the world. This event is a popular feature of the festival which gives our volunteer cooks the chance to show off their favorite dishes from around the world.
Friday 13th 1-4pm is an open day on the beautiful Sneinton Dale Allotment, come along and look around the site and at individual gardens. From 1 - 4pm, The Salvation Army is opening the doors of the Birthplace of William Booth. Come at look at the museum about one of the many famous ex sneintonites at the William Booth Memorial Complex (14 Notintone Place).
On Saturday the 14th the Sneinton festival parade begins starting on Windmill lane from 12pm. Come and watch the costumes, decorated bikes and listen to the music as the procession winds up its way from the Old School Hall through Sneinton to the Hermitage Square.
An afternoon of fun then kicks of with performances from Haiki Loki, Music in Sneinton, Ngomi, Moonbuggy and Fat Digester. There will be crafts stalls, info on the climate camp and a second PA powerd by the sun and wind and recycled arts workshops.
The fun does not top there after the festival ends off retire to the Lord Nelson, for a relaxing evening of Live Music from Fat Digester and a BBQ.
On Sunday the 15th follow the arts trail round Sneinton as local artist open up their houses to display their wares. Pick up a leaflet from the windmill on the day. 11 – 4 come and celebrate the bicentenary of the most famous landmark in Sneinton. Paper tower building, Windmill trail, Music and entertainment, a Big Birthday cake. Bring a picnic and join Green's Mill's 200th birthday party to end off the week of festivities.
We want people to be involved in the festival and encourage people to get in touch with
ideas for events to happen during the week, anything they wish to bring to the Carnival. We also need volunteers to help with all elements of the festival in order for the festival to be a success. Please get in touch if you wish to help or if you have ideas for events: by post: Sneinton Festival, Tracs, Sneinton Hollows, Sneinton; email: