Alan Meale MP
Alan Simpson MP
Alan Simpson MP and Alan Meale MP are the latest to join Friends of the Earth’s The Big Ask campaign [1]. Alan Simpson MP for Nottingham South has demanded the Government takes action and delivers a tough Climate Change Law – a move warmly welcomed by East Midlands Friends of the Earth. Mansfield's MP Alan Meale has called for the Government to toughen up legislation to tackle climate change by adding his support to The Big Ask campaign.
Callie Lister Regional Campaigns Co-ordinator for Friends of the Earth said “Early in the New Year, MPs from across this region will be debating the contents of the Governments proposed Climate Change Law in Parliament. It’s a chance to make sure the UK is doing its fair share to tackle climate change and we are delighted that Alan Simpson and Alan Meale are working to ensure the Law is strong enough to make a difference. We would urge our other MPs across the East Midlands to join them in supporting a stronger law”
In the Queen's Speech last week the government announced the new climate change law to help the UK reduce its fair share of climate causing emissions. However, Friends of the Earth say it doesn't go far enough and needs to include a 3% annual target for reducing the UK's greenhouse gases. Specifically they are calling for a tougher long-term target to reduce carbon emissions by at least 80% by 2050, and for the law to include the emissions from international aviation and shipping, which are currently not counted.
Alan Meale MP said:
“I support the Big Ask campaign and all the measures Friends of the Earth are calling for in the Climate Change Bill. There is no greater threat facing the world than climate change and we all need to believe that change is possible, a change which will support measures like the 80% reduction target the campaign asks for”
Alan Simpson MP said:
“I wish to encourage other people, and myself, to sign up to the Big Ask. The Climate Change Bill has to have annual targets, and it has to have the 80% target by 2050."
Both MPs have recorded their support for the Big Ask via video messages which are available to view online. They join hundreds of others who have recorded their messages of support for a strong climate change law via the Big Ask’ “Online March”.
Alan Simpson’s message can be viewed at:

Alan Meale message can be viewed at:

Friends of the Earth has been leading the campaign for a stronger climate change law which is supported by a wide range of development organisations and all the major opposition parties. Last year over 412 MPs supported their calls for the introduction of climate change legislation. Over 170,000 people have already contacted their MPs as part of the Big Ask campaign. People are being encouraged to send a message to their MP by video by visiting:
Notes to Editors
Callie Lister, Regional Campaigns Coordinator East Midlands Friends of the Earth:

[1] Further information about The Big Ask:
Last year 412 MPs (almost two thirds of all MPs) signed Early Day Motion 178 calling for new climate change legislation "so that annual cuts in carbon dioxide emissions of three per cent can be delivered”. As a result, the government announced a Climate Change Bill in the Queen’s Speech in November 2006 and published the first draft on 13 March 2007.
The environmental charity Friends of the Earth, is calling for the Law to be strengthened – this will be essential for it to succeed – specific changes needed are:
Bigger cuts: The Government proposes 60% cuts of carbon dioxide by 2050. There is wide scientific recognition there needs to be reductions of at least 80%.
Annual targets: The Government wants five-year milestones for reducing carbon dioxide. We want shorter, annual targets – to hold Parliament to account now and in the future.
Aviation and shipping: International flights and shipping emissions are excluded. We need these to be included as they are the fastest growing source of carbon dioxide emissions.
The cuts in carbon dioxide emissions proposed by the Bill need to ensure the UK plays its part in keeping global temperatures from rising two degrees above pre industrial levels - the temperature rise recognised by the EU as a `danger level' we should not breach.
Friends of the Earth believe that this requires a cut of at least three percent each year through to 2050 (which would add up to a cut of around 80% by 2050). The Government's current target - a cut in emissions of 60 percent by 2050 - is no longer considered to be a sufficient contribution by the UK or other developed countries. In addition it fails to take account of the UK's share of emissions from international shipping and aviation.
Further info at: and
lovely, but dont we really need somekind of true revolution,
15.11.2007 05:51
a truelly delegated anarcho syndicalist society,
war, bird flu, climate change,police state&the matrix are getting v.vboring
joni mason
Revolution? Wonderful idea on paper...
15.11.2007 23:29
Till then, actions like encouraging your MP to act on climate change, while not the solution in itself, are one of the better ways of ensuring positive change in the short term...
someone with a sense of realism
19.11.2007 13:56
Meales on Wheels