Mum Christine murdered by Kirkby NottsBNP candidate

In Brinsley, Nottinghamshire recently a Sri Lankan family was cleansed from the area by thugs throwing bricks through the families windows. They happened to live next door to Brinsleys BNP councillor Sadie Graham, was the PC "antiracist freedom of speech defending" lady involved?
does 2+2=4?
Add this to the nazi BNPs others councillors & we have a bunch of convicted murderers,thugs, thieves& fraudsters running for a "legitimate party" defending freedom of speech backed up by members convicted of possesing the largest haul of bombmaking equipment in UK history.
Monty Python & George Orwell take a backseat when you look Griffin, before his PC makeover Nick described himself as a true nazi brownshirt,he was successfully convicted of racial incitement. he is a denier of the holocaust in which children were tortured,experimented on & sexually abused, managing to beat their invasion of Poland Stalinist allies into number one top slot for crimes against humanity.

Apparently the BNP & their stormfront web backers are now saying old One Ball Adolf actually loved his jewish ancestors, children, animals & was pioneer of free speech & racial rights for minorities.
BNP Stormfront writers liken people of Britain to sheep, the majority of us aren't, this anarchist hopes the majority vote tactically to stop the BNP,spoil ballots or vote green party tactically if possible.
Anarchism as originated by Proudhon is "true democratic governance by & for the people".Lets use ballots as well as action to help us get there & if necessary lets use bullets to defend true democracy.

"Respectable" BNP eh?
05.12.2007 11:53
Why wasnt Christines picture allover the news during the recent Oxford farce?
05.12.2007 15:31
This so called "legitimate" party,hah are just a bunch of masquerading homicidal misfits, the BNP are trying to spread a rumour that facts about them are some vast left wing conspiracy whilst hiding behind liberal & tory thought police & state protection.
Everyone knows that in a smart pub unless there are bunch of nazi knuckleboys there to defend free, antifascists always win the argument
True free speech advocate
Here you go, wouldn't want you to be inconsistent in your condemnation
07.12.2007 01:11
for 15 years for sexually abusing 3 14-year-old boys. (2001)
Labour Councillor (North Lincolnshire) David Spooner - Convicted and jailed
for 1 year for masturbating in front of 2 young boys.
Labour Mayor (Westhoughton) Nicholas Green - Convicted and jailed for 10
years for 3 rapes and 13 counts of indecent assault.
Labour Mayor (Todmordon) John Winstanley - Convicted and jailed for rape and
threats to kill.
Prominent Labour Party activist Mark Tann (who has met Tony & Cherie at
Party functions) recently got a 15-year sentence for raping a 4-year old
girl on 2 separate occasions.
Labour's current Parliamentary Candidate (Reading East) Tony Page - Has 2
Convictions for Acts of Gross Indecency` in public toilets.
Labour Mayor (Burnley) Mark Swainston - Convicted of sex offences in public
Entire Labour Party conspired to conceal the activities of Labour Party
activist and serial child-molester Mark Trotter, who died from AIDS before
he could be convicted.
Labour MP (Rhonda Valley) Chris Bryant poses in his pants on the Internet to
advertise himself for casual gay sex encounters. Describes himself as "Horny
as buggery" and says, "I'd love a good long f***".
Labour MP Ron Davies was mugged by a Rasta on Clapham Common while cruising
for gay sex. He was photographed again by the media recently, engaged in
some `man-on-man` action in a field off a motorway. "I was only looking for
badgers," he said.
Labour MP (Sheffield), Clive Betts - Suspended from Parliament for 7 days
after being caught forging immigration papers to extend the stay of his
Brazilian rent-boy gay lover.
According to media reports, the names of 2 former Labour Cabinet Ministers
said to be "Household names" appear on the `Operation Ore` list of
subscribers to hard-core child pornography. The same FBI investigation,
which led to the arrest of rock star Pete Townshend. So who are they Mr
Labour Councillor (Wales) Denis Jones - Convicted and jailed for unlawful
wounding after attacking a neighbour with a sledgehammer.
Labour Councillor (Wales) Ken Brookman - Bit off a mans ear in a dispute
over a seat on a train!
Labour Councillor (Sandwell) Mohamed Niwaz convicted of illegally obtaining
£20,000 in Housing Grants.
Labour councillors in Doncaster - 23 Convicted and 2 jailed for massive
fraud, corruption and theft of public funds. Investigation also uncovered
massive Labour Party corruption in neighbouring Rotherham.
Labour Party Councillor (Blackburn), Mohammed Hussein - arrested together
with 6 Labour activists on suspicion of Election rigging.
Labour Party Euro MP, David Martin is currently being investigated for an
alleged expenses fraud involving `hundreds of thousands of pounds`.
Tony Blair recently appointed his close friend/crony and colleague of his
wife - Ken Macdonald as the new Director of Public Prosecutions, despite the
fact he has a drugs conviction.
Labour Party MSP Mike Watson imprisoned for arson.
Councillor guilty of killing gull A Devon district councillor who shot a
seagull to stop it spreading disease has been found guilty of intentionally
killing a wild bird.
Dr Brian Boughton, 62, of South Ford Road, Dartmouth, used an air rifle to
shoot the seagull that had nested in his roof.
He denied the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act section 1(1)A offence.
He was conditionally discharged for a year and ordered to pay £400 costs by
Totnes Magistrates on Wednesday.
Ex-mayor's computer images arrest A former leader of Swansea Council has
been arrested after indecent images were allegedly found on his
council-issue laptop computer.
Lawrence Bailey, 51, has "emphatically denied" the claims and was given
police bail following his arrest on Friday.
The councillor said he had given police his complete co-operation.
A former Lord Mayor of Swansea, he stood down as Labour leader in 2004 after
the party lost power in the city for the first time in 25 years.
In identical statements given to the Swansea-based Evening Post and the
Western Mail Mr Bailey said: "My family and I are shattered by these events
and we are anxious for the matter to be resolved quickly.
"I have emphatically denied these allegations and following my brief arrest
on Friday evening, I was released without charge the same night.
"I have given the police my complete co-operation in their investigations
and am in no doubt that this matter will be fully resolved."
Mr Bailey is a Labour county councillor for the Birchgrove ward in the city.
A spokesman for South Wales Police said: "We have arrested a 51-year-old man
in relation to possession of indecent images.
"He has been bailed pending further inquiries."
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2006/05/08 11:42:49 GMT
LABOUR party canvasser David Harding, 48, of Hornchurch, Essex was convicted
of assaulting Robert Benham, 25, parliamentary assistant to Romford MP
Andrew Rosindell.
Havering Magistrates heard the assault took place outside Romford Railway
Station on 4 May, 2005.
On Tuesday campaign manager Harding, a married father-of-two, was ordered to
serve 100 hours community service.
He was also convicted of using threatening or abusive words or behaviour
after the incident.
Harding had been part of two competing groups of Tory and Labour canvassers
who had gathered outside the railway station.
Subject: Oldham NuLabCur Councillor Held After Drugs Find !
> A Labour councillor has been questioned by police in connection with the
> discovery of drugs in the wheel arch of a car.
> Councillor Asaf Ali, who represents Alexandra Ward on Oldham Council, was
> arrested on Friday night.
> A substantial amount of money was also seized from a house and inquiries
> by
> Greater Manchester Police were continuing over the weekend.
Subject: Berkshire Council Meeting Ends In Disarray !
> Reads like a parody, but it's true !
> A LABOUR chief 'made an obscene gesture' to rivals after he was expelled
> from the council chamber in unprecedented scenes at the town hall.
> Labour deputy James Swindlehurst (Lab: Cippenham Green) allegedly made a
> 'V-sign' as he swept out of the room with the entire opposition who left
> with him in protest.
> The mass walk-out came during a particularly ill-tempered council meeting
> on
> Monday night.
> Council boss Cheryl Coppell, who had stepped out of the meeting, watched
> stunned as Labour members flooded the lobby where she was eating a tub of
> pasta salad.
> Earlier there were bizarre scenes when independent Tory Balvinder Dhillon
> (Con: Upton) spent several minutes criticising Labour Cllr Jagjit Grewal.
> Mr Dhillon had been ordered by the Standards Board to apologise for
> threatening behaviour towards Mr Grewal (Lab: Kedermister) after a meeting
> last year.
> But it was only when with expulsion from the chamber that Mr Dhillon
> finally
> read a statement of 'unreserved' apology 'from the bottom of my heart'.
> The ejection row then began during a Labour motion calling on the council
> to
> subsidise traditional Muslim burials to the tune of £1,000.
> During his response, council leader Richard Stokes (Lib: Haymill) became
> annoyed at repeated interjections from Cllr Swindlehurst and moved for his
> ejection.
> When this was voted through, Cllr Swindlehurst and around eight colleagues
> marched out to thunderous applause from ruling BILLD councillors and
> Tories.
> Veteran Labour firebrand Lydia Simmons, (Lab: Central) told Mayor Latif
> Khan: "It's disgusting that you have allowed this motion (to eject Cllr
> Swindlehurst)."
> The exit meant Labour's motion to organise a celebration to mark the 200th
> anniversary of the end of the slave trade was scrapped.
> Remaining councillors wanted it recorded in the minutes that Cllr
> Swindlehurst had stuck two fingers up as he left the chamber.
> Last summer, Cllr Swindlehurst was rapped by standard's watchdogs and made
> to apologise when he told Britwell councillor Sean Wright to 'S*** my
> c**k'.
A FORMER Tower Hamlets councillor and his younger brother have admitted
> pilfering £30,000 from a council-backed East End children's programme.
> Nasir Uddin, ex-Labour councillor for the St Dunstan's and Stepney ward,
> and
> his younger brother, Ain Uddin, dramatically changed their pleas today
> (Weds) at Southwark Crown Court in a fraud trial also involving Kumar
> Murshid, a serving member of Tower Hamlets council and a former top
> advisor
> to London Mayor Ken Livingstone.
> Nasir Uddin, 33, now of Cotswold Gardens, East Ham, admitted taking
> £15,694
> for personal gain from the Stepney-based Youth Action Scheme four years
> ago.
> He also admitted illegally transferring £10,000 from the scheme to
> Deshbangla TV, a Bow-based Bangladeshi media and training company.
> He also pleaded guilty to stealing £4,262 from Youth Action Scheme for the
> benefit of his brother, Ain, 32, of East India Dock Road.
> Ain Uddin admitted stealing a further £5,985 from the scheme between 2000
> and 2002, the court heard.
> The brothers were bailed until sentencing, expected in three weeks.
Labour worker 'groomed teenager'
A former Labour Party organiser abducted and took to bed a 13-year-old boy
he had groomed on the internet, a court has heard.
Peter Tuffley, 28, was working in the North West when he met the youngster.
Mr Tuffley and the boy swapped emails before kissing and cuddling at the
regional organiser's Liverpool home, Bolton Crown Court heard.
Mr Tuffley, now living in East Sussex, denies grooming, child abduction and
sexual activity with a child.
The youngster's parents had called police after he failed to return home.
Mr Tuffley was arrested the next day - telling officers he thought the boy
was over 16.
Internet chatroom
Mr Tuffley, who now lives at Pipersfield, Ridgewood, East Sussex, has since
resigned from his position with the Labour Party.
When police checked Mr Tuffley's computer they found an exchange of messages
between the two, which the prosecution alleged showed Mr Tuffley must have
known he was underage
The boy, referred to in court as Boy A, first contacted Mr Tuffley through
an internet chatroom and dating website.
The youngster, then aged 13, claimed to be 18 on the website, was gay and
from the North West.
But he told police later he had admitted to Mr Tuffley he was still at
school - but had said he was aged 15, not 13.
Mobile phone text messages and emails between the two were shown to the
"You can see from the content they demonstrated a childish infatuation from
boy A for the defendant and the defendant was interested about meeting him,"
Geoff Whelan, prosecuting, said.
'Willing participant'
After more messages were exchanged the boy, who is from Bolton, asked to
meet up and Mr Tuffley agreed.
One message from Mr Tuffley read: "I will get your drink in, you little
alky. I hope we can manage more than a minute when we do it."
On 12 March, Mr Tuffley is alleged to have picked the boy up from school,
before driving him driving back to his flat.
They watched videos then got into bed together, the court heard. The boy
said they kissed.
Tuffley told officers the boy's internet profile claimed he was 18 and he
assumed the youngster was in the sixth form at school.
Mr Whelan added: "The key issue is age. There is no doubt boy A was a
willing participant in whatever activity took place.
"The problem for the defendant is boy A was a 13-year-old boy. A child in
the eye's of the law. There is ample evidence the defendant knew his age."
The case continues.
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2006/09/21 16:58:06 GMT
Granny-Beater Labour Councillor Nov 2006-11-14
Doug Haw got pissed and punched his 83 year-old widowed neighbour in the
face leaving her bleeding. The respect agenda has clearly not reached
everyone in the Labour party, he has resigned as a councillor and quit his
job as Labour MP Mark Todd's agent. He was sentenced to nine-months jail
Haw is also currently awaiting magistrates' court trials over two separate
charges of assault and criminal damage.
Ex-council leader's election ban
The former leader of Hull City Council, Colin Inglis, has been barred from
standing for his own party at next year's local elections.
National officials meeting in Hull on Sunday decided to extend his
suspension by five months until 31 May 2007.
That means the Myton ward councillor will be unable to stand for Labour at
the local council elections on 3 May.
Mr Inglis had breached party rules, including supporting a no-confidence
vote in the ruling Labour group.
That paved the way for the Liberal Democrats to take control of the council
last May.
Mr Inglis told BBC Look North that he wanted to continue serving as a
councillor and was considering his options, including whether to stand as an
He was originally suspended by Labour 18 months ago when he was arrested and
charged over child abuse allegations dating back to the 1980s, when he was
employed as a social worker at a residential home in east Hull.
He was cleared of 10 charges of indecent assault in July after a two-week
trial at Leeds Crown Court.
Story from BBC NEWS:
The Hitcher
Griffin convicted child holocaust apologist&convicted BNP terror bombers
07.12.2007 20:27
BNP-C18 Tony lecomber was convicted of the Soho bombings& recently BNP members were caught with the biggest haul of bombmaking equipment in UK history, then given a slap on the wrist. lancashire
Griffin is a convicted Nazi holocaust apologist in 1998,the nazis murdered & abused millions of children in world war 2 systematically, going beyond even Stalinist standards.
BNP support labours racist war against muslims, encouraging the propaganda thats helped them to invade Iraq,an invasion the BNP officially say they don't support?
Nazis were used to defend capitalism by companies like Standard Oil , owners of IG Farben Aushwitz & suppliers of vital fuels to the Luftwaffe all through the war.They who wanted the Soviet & Union & Nazis to fight each other to the death. No the owners of these corporations werent Jewish pretenders, they were mainly Christian pretenders like the Methodist Rockefellers.
Why do you add 2 gay people below to the list, theres nothing wrong with mutual sex between consenting adults, the BNPs position on gays is hypocritical as Griffin is well known to have slept with other BNP activists.
Labour MP (Rhonda Valley) Chris Bryant poses in his pants on the Internet to
advertise himself for casual gay sex encounters. Describes himself as "Horny
as buggery" and says, "I'd love a good long f***".
Labour MP Ron Davies was mugged by a Rasta on Clapham Common while cruising
for gay sex. He was photographed again by the media recently, engaged in
some `man-on-man` action in a field off a motorway. "I was only looking for
badgers," he said.
All politicians are prats, none more than BNP!
08.12.2007 20:50
%BNP has more physcos&paedos than most by far,some anarchists can be prats too
15.12.2011 21:11
green syn