Model letter to British Airways - application/msword 68K
Model letter to Jacqui Smith - application/msword 25K
Jane Mary Mutetsi
In Uganda, Jane Mary and her husband David built up a food import and export business in their village Omungyenya in west Uganda. But problems started in 2000 when they became involved with a rebel group the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) opposed to the Ugandan government by supporting them with food and money. In January 2002 Ugandan military forces raided their factory and premises and her husband was detained for three days before being released.
The soldiers returned on 25th March 2002 severely beat her husband locked him in the boot of a car and took him away. (This was the last Jane Mary saw or heard of her husband until 2004 when she received a letter from her husbands friend saying his body had been found in DR Congo.)
Jane Mary was also beaten, locked in the bathroom and subsequently brutally gang raped by three soldiers. The beating was so bad she lost the sight of one eye had several of her teeth broken and lost her left ovary. At the time a friendly grounds man helped Jane Mary escape from the house, having to put her in wheelbarrow, as she was unable to walk. When she was well enough to walk, a fiend helped her to flee to Kampala; from there she made her way to the UK.
U.S.A: Country Report Human Rights Practices - Uganda 2006
The government's human rights record remained poor. Serious problems remained, including: unlawful killings by security forces; disappearances; security forces use of torture and abuse of suspects; vigilante justice; harsh prison conditions; official impunity; arbitrary arrest; incommunicado and lengthy pretrial detention; restrictions on the right to a fair trial and on freedoms of speech, the press, and association; limited freedom of religion; abuse of internally displaced persons (IDPs); restrictions on opposition parties; electoral violence and irregularities; government corruption; violence and discrimination against women; female genital mutilation (FGM); violence and abuse of children, particularly sexual abuse; trafficking in persons; violence and discrimination against persons with disabilities; forced labor, including by children; and child labor.
Jane Mary has become an active and committed member of St. Stephen's, Church of England congregation in Nottingham, has completed a number of child care and child protection courses and, unable to work, volunteers on a regular basis at the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum undertaking whatever tasks are needed. She is also an active member of the Women's Group at the Forum helping to organise weekly activities and occasional outings like to the seaside in the summer and children's parties.
Jane Mary has a well-founded fear of being returned to Uganda as she has proof, held by her solicitor, that the Ugandan government is still actively looking for her, an arrest warrant for Jane Mary is extant.
Please help Jane Mary Mutetsi to remain in the UK.
What you can do to help:
All day to day Monday and all day tomorrow Tuesday
1) Fax Willie Walsh, Chief Executive Officer British Airways and urge him not to carry out the forced removal of Jane Mary Mutetsi - attached model fax Jane Mary MutetsiBA.doc (you can copy/amend/write your own version. Please include all the details. Forced Removal of Jane Mary Mutetsi, on British Airways Flight BA063 leaving Heathrow @ 21:05 for Entebbe/Uganda on Tuesday 18th December.
Fax: 020 8759 4314 - from outside the UK + 44 20 8759 4314
2) Send urgent faxes immediately to Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith, Secretary of State for the Home Office asking that Jane Mary Mutetsi be granted protection in the UK. Please use the attached model letter JaneMaryMutetsiJS.doc you can copy/amend/write your own version (if you do so, please remember to include the HO ref M1146233).
Fax: 020 7035 3262 (00 44 20 7035 3262 if you are faxing from outside UK)
Please notify the campaign of any faxes sent to Jacqui Smith or BA
Friends of Jane Mary Mutetsi
C/o Konnie Lloyd
26, Marlborough Rd
Nottingham NG9 2HG
Thank you for your support.
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Friends of Jane Mary Mutetsi
She's back with us now
11.03.2008 22:02
Mary Jane Supporter