Sunday, February 10, 2008
10:00am - 6:00pm
Portland Building, Nottingham University Campus
The Climate Change Conference will focus on the issues of climate change and the best ways to go about tackling them.
Confirmed so far:
Matthew Humphreys
Co-Director, Centre for the Study of Social & Global Justice
Professor Jack Rieley
Specialist in Ecology, Environmental and Geomorphological Sciences
Nottingham Plane Stupid
Professor Colin Snape
School of Chemical, Environmental and Mining Engineering
Jerrome Baddley
Nottingham Energy Partnership
Dr. Mercedes Maroto-Valer
Centre for Innovation in Carbon Capture and Storage
Jane Burd
Co-Ordinatior, Nottinghamshire Greenpeace
Paul Chandler
Eastside Climate Action
Jon Beresford
Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill
The Centre for Alternative Technology
Also confirmed is VEGGIES food! Plus workshops, stalls and exhibitions.
Hope to see you there!
08.02.2008 13:24
Peak Oil: Coping in Nottingham
Direct Action & Aviation
Sustainable Development
Non-Violent Protest
On and Offshore Wind - Facts & Myths
Food and the Environment
08.02.2008 21:55
Sunday, February 10th, Portland Building, Nottingham University
10.15-11.15: Speakers
Climate Change & Peak Oil: Twin Crisis
Jerrome Baddley, Nottingham Energy Partnership
Direct Action: What & Why?
Paddy Gillett, Plane Stupid
An Introduction to Sustainable Development
Dr. Gareth Oakley
11.15-11.45: Questions/Discussion
11.45-12.00: Break
12.00-13.00: Workshops
Peak Oil: Coping in Nottingham
Jerrome Baddley
Direct Action & Aviation
Plane Stupid & Eastside Climate Action
Sustainable Development
Gareth Oakley
Food and the Environment
Rob Jackson, The Vegan Society
13.00-14.00: Lunch
14.00-15.00: Workshops
On and Offshore Wind – Facts & Myths
Jon Beresford
Why non-violent protest?
Jane Burd, Nottingham Greenpeace
Direct Action & Aviation
Food and the Environment
15.00-15.30: Break
15.30-16.30: Keynote Speaker
Zero Carbon Britain
The Centre for Alternative Technology
16.30-17.00: Questions/Discussion
Also, probably a trip to the pub afterwards.