Alan Warner cautioned - warned of arrest for swearing 1
Alan Warner cautioned - warned of arrest for swearing 2
Alan Warner cautioned - warned of arrest for swearing 3
Denby lane - Stop
Desert Camo Pants
Communist Flag
Give Way
Behind Enemy Lines 1
Behind Enemy Lines 2
Crowd Denby Lane
Nice pics, BNP security dont look that scarey, pigeon chested& probably
22.08.2008 16:36
Shame about the hammer & sickle, Soviet union was taken over by more nationalistic revolutionares like Stalin, even Lenin/Trotsky stabbed good people in the back literally & slaughtered anarchists after we were weakened saving moscow defeating General Denekins white army.
Those people in black were needed as stewards, most of them were local.
Heres to next year & hopefully Denby world carnival-fair with some football rather than just another protest. We outnumber & could bash the fash which is why they dont hold their meetings or festivals in major cities, but their sly electoral game hiding behind democracy, the flag & freedom of speech means we have to be even slyer. When done we can get back to saving our world from war & climate change from the corporate"NWO" which is just the same bollox, nazis as usual are useful little muppets for people like George Bush& David Rockefeller to hinder us with
Green syndicalist
Torches at lunchtime?
25.08.2008 03:12
Or perhaps - and, do indulge me on this one - perhaps you're just an absolute knuckle-dragging tosser with a penchant for violence?
So yeah, interesting to note how in the photo "Desert Camo Pants", BNP insecurity goon can wander around in the middle of the day carrying a long Maglite torch.
Getting dark at lunchtime these days, is it lads?
Ever heard of an LED torch? Been all the rage for, oooh, five years or so! Very bright, very long lasting, very lightweight - lovely!
Or are you blatantly carrying that heavy Maglite with the intention of clobbering someone with it baton-style, given half the chance? 'Cos nobody would dream of doing anything like that with a harmless high-strength anodised aluminium alloy torch, would they!? Ooooh noooooo, of course they wouldn't!
I'm surprised the cops let the fash fuckers get away with carrying items clearly intended for use as weapons in broad daylight - especially when there's no possible reason for needing a massive fuck-off torch at lunchtime when you're only a hundred metres away from your campsite.
Oh, wait a sec, what am I saying... no, I'm not surprised in the slightest!
So remember kids, next time you want to go somewhere tooled-up in the middle of the day, just make sure your weapon has a lightbulb on the end of it, and you're all good in the eyes of the law.
"Bazooka? Not me officer - this is a top-of-the-range Maglite torch with a hair trigger... err, I mean, easy-on switch! It's for seeing where you're going, innit! Really lights up the scene, it does! Besides, I'd never assault anyone with my torch - that might break the bulb, and then I'd end up tripping over a tent peg should I suddenly get caught short in the dark on my way to afternoon tea!"
Not that I think anyone would have got away with that at Climate Camp! Double standards? You're kidding me!
On second thoughts, maybe it's totally innocent. Perhaps he's just carrying it so that later on, after all the beer has been drunk and the last Nazi song has been sung for the night, they can head off back to Griffin's tent, lube that humongous torch up with Vaseline and see how far they can stick it up each other's arses?
"Look, you can even see it lighting up his brain!"
God I love the Fash! Well into their kinky sex romps, right Martin Reynolds? (Reynolds... that's a French surname, n'est pas?)
Casual Observer