When rednecks attack... Alan Warner is restrained during the 2008 RWB
The BNP is a whites only organisation who say they want all ethnic minorities to leave the country. Their hardcore follow fascist ideology and many have convictions for racist violence. They will be opposed wherever they try to organise.
The massively unpopular RWB has scarred local communities for a number of years now and enough is enough. The so-called "family festival" features Nazi marching music until late at night, racist comedy and all kinds of violence between pissed BNPers. Local villages have been overrun by drunk skinhead thugs who made it a nightmare for local residents. Last years event was refused an entertainment license by the local council and was besieged by protests. As a result not many white supremacist families bothered coming and the event was a big disappointment for the party.
The BNP and their fascist festival are not coming back to this area!
homoerotic undertones?
27.02.2009 09:05
Farmer?,Ive known farmers in the area for years,Warner is just a dodgy pisshead
28.02.2009 19:12
Is this article accurate though, I though the RWB was somewhere else this year?????
Nazi cunt, serves him right
10.03.2009 16:55
He isn't being held back by police BTW, they're BNP security, different uniforms and armbands. A tad more explicit than regular police gear - a bit like BNP ideology. He seems, rather strangely, to be arguing with another BNP pensioner. The homoeroticism is in the leather gloves and lederhosen I reckon. If you really want homoerotic though, check out the work of Nazi sculptor Arno Breker. It's barely even disguised!
possible site move
10.03.2009 17:02
But the move is unconfirmed. Meaning it could be back in Derbyshire again.
" Mr Darby also confirmed that party chairman Nick Griffin is a fan of the countryside in the district."
Awe how sweet. [vomit alert]