To serve and attack?
Large-scale resistance to such meetings in the developed world has been less spectacular in recent years, an apparent dip in momentum that some have linked to the events in New York that happened on September 11th 2001, and tightening state controls. However, in a new phase of global economic recession, a significant crisis for the current capitalist system, populations in a number of countries have been taking to the streets to confront governments and demand justice on a variety of issues.
Not discounting the actions of hundreds of workers who engaged in wildcat strikes this winter in England, Northern Ireland, Wales and a number of power stations and energy processing plants in Scotland (see for example

Police have been swift to flex their muscles in preparation, but what will really happen in London? What level of organising will be going on in social centres, and what kind of discussions are happening? Do the people taking to the streets have answers, and what will they be suggesting aside from further undermining the failing economic system?
Riseup! Radio will be going to London to investigate the potential for confrontational struggles here in the UK, and give Nottingham residents the opportunity to record their experiences and actions around the G20. Will it impart the mouth-watering flavour of a resurgent global resistance to the domination and psychosis of the structures of capitalism, or re-affirm the need for a ‘think global, act local’ approach?
Ru!R’s April ’09 show, online from April 1st, features discussion and analysis on the realities and potentials of an economic depression, and on the predictions of growing unrest in the mass media. Look out for further postings on Notts Indymedia to alert you to our G20 coverage, or check the website at:
Best wishes,
Excellant - good luck
30.03.2009 23:25