The protest will begin with as many local activists as possible assembling in Codnor from 9 am. It is anticipated that contingents will arrive from elsewhere in the country leading up to a National Rally at 11 am, with a demonstration to follow that. These details may change nearer the time.
The objectives of the protest against the BNP’s RWB festival will be: bring together those who oppose the BNP in a peaceful and unified show of mass opposition to this major national event of theirs; make clear to participants in the BNP event that they are not welcome in attempting to use Amber Valley as a base for their activities; attempt to make the protest seen by as many as possible of those thinking of attending the festival; encourage opponents of the BNP in the Amber Valley district and wider area to continue to campaign against the divisive policies of the BNP and the violent activities of their members; safeguard as much as possible the safety of those protesting.
Representatives from all of the campaigns planning the protest will be meeting on a weekly basis from now on up until the event itself.
A number of organisations, such as UAF and Hope not Hate, have not been actively involved as yet, but UAF have said they will work with the local campaigns, and have announced the same event time.
Last year there was confusion and division as the UAF attempted to organise separately, make their own arrangements with police, and then to hijack the main march.
Also last year at the opposite end of the festival site police violently attacked a separate action by atifascists trying to disrupt the BNP.
A major planning meeting is planned for July 18th in the centre of Nottingham. The details of this will be posted on the website soon.
The website

Don't be put off
03.07.2009 09:38
In 2008 the police did indeed behave very harshly at the South West end of the lane, and some antifascists were injured. These people were (I understand) making a brave effort to actually hinder the fascists and blockade the RWB, which was after all a stated aim of the Notts campaign at that time. The 'main event' at the other end of the lane was much more peaceful however, with the police largely behaving themselves with a co-operative (and arguably relatively ineffective) protest.
The police do now quite routinely raid the houses of poeple under arrest, which is a power they have under sections 17 and 18 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act. I do not recall anyone telling me they had experienced this after last years RWB, but I stand to be corrected.
This year the protest advertised is just that - a protest. It is being organised this year by not just the Notts campaign, but the Derby one and the Amber Valley one, and the regional TUC. The Derby and Amber Valley campaigns were not in existence last year. The political complexion of these campaigns is pretty broad and moderate, and they have decided already to begin discussions with the police in order to 'maintain people's safety'.
Despite the fact that the police tasar people when they are down, baton young women in the face, murder passing newsagents etc etc, I tend to think this years main event is going to be bigger than last years, but also probably not very confrontational. Possibly the bigger danger than violence or arrests on the main event is the danger of being ineffectively herded about and remaining polite to the BNP.
I do not know whether there are any other more disruptive actions being organised against the RWB this year, but that is a separate matter.
So please do not be put off.
Come to this meeting, help get shed load of people there
04.07.2009 12:12
THere needs to be alot of stewards to stop protect the speaker-music area+ women & children who came last year & not leave it just to the police who often it seems are more interested in arresting& attacking us.
If you want to help organise & plan where the procession goes then come to this meeting, unless your a nazi in which case you will be made very unwelcome;)
Lets not split our numbers+ try& takeover undemocratically from locals who organised the protest.
If we do an action, then lets do one that wont go pete tong & create a situation which the BNP could exploit or the police could crack down on.
Britpop Charlie Chaplin