It's a ruling which seems entirely rooted in plain vindictiveness, especially when the overwhelming evidence suggests that smoking helps to alleviate the distressing symptoms of schizophrenia - see

Not all patients in the three secure special hospitals have passed through the criminal justice system and committed horrific crimes - a substantial proportion have simply become lost in institutional mental health, prey to the bullies who often make up staff members there and at the mercy of power-crazed psychiatrists.
24.07.2009 21:01
it actually says the short term effects of smoking can help but are then detrimental overall.
they say that maybe 5-10years of research might develop a treatment that can work
jeeeeezzzzzzz..... if you are going to make siomething up, dont post the link
It says nothing of the sort.
24.07.2009 23:16
I can understand how you would get confused though because the article is written from a dogmatically anti-smoking perspective just like much of the rest of the drivel that gets passed off as intelligent thought in the world of psychology.
If you are going to try to turn indymedia into a discussion forum please try and read something more infromative then your average NHS leaflet.
More links for hen
24.07.2009 23:35
Those of us who have spent time as patients will confirm that cigarettes ease the symptoms of the umbrella condition 'schizophrenia'.
The ruling IMHO is based on sheer vindictiveness and wilful cruelty.
Some of the most viciously cruel and judgemental people I've ever met in my life have worked in the 'caring professions' - particularly social work and psychiatry.
Schizo and Proud
Torturing innocents for no good reason
25.07.2009 11:49
It is a fact though that schizophrenics smoke more and find it harder to quit than others. The smoking ban has exceptions, such as for ordinary prisoners and submariners who can't just 'go outside for a smoke'.
Therefore this decision is abhorrent, a cruel and unusual punishment for the weakest in society and so 'Mad Pride' should be commended for mentioning it here as it should be opposed by all decent people, and 'hen' should be ashamed for their misplaced pedantry.
oh really
25.07.2009 13:30
If I was there I wouldn't want to breathe in other people's smoke
26.07.2009 11:44
If they want to smoke outside, then fine, as long as they don't blow it in other people's faces.
Indoors they should respect other people's right to breathe in clean air.
This is nothing to do with their mental state, it is just basic politeness and human decency.
But I assume they aren't allowed alcohol, so why is nicotine different, I wonder? Maybe they should be allowed alcohol. I guess because it makes some people violent and aggressive.
26.07.2009 19:38
I'm sorry Danny that you are not allowed to get your points across.
Ta Lucy
26.07.2009 21:34
These are double-standards and for the Judge to compare this to allowing alcohol inside is idiotic of him.
also at anon
27.07.2009 09:58
There is evidence that smoking helps these patients. That could be used to argue that they should be provided free, prescription cigarettes, or contrarily it could be used as an argument that they deserve extra help in smoking-cessation programs. It is certainly not rational or reasonable or humane to simply ban them from smoking.
No matter how much of a rabid anti-smoker you are, this is a civil liberties and a medicinal issue and this judge has displayed a deep ignorance of these issues.
The reason the judge feels able to ban smoking at Rampton while any other prisoner can smoke is simply a matter of control - the patients at Rampton are effectively powerless whereas a similar ban for all prisoners would result in uncontrollable nationwide prison riots within a day or two.
Therefore it is important that people on the outside like us speak up for the rights of the most powerless in society.
28.07.2009 10:40
Concerned Observer
21.08.2009 13:00
The original smoking ban didn't cover mental health units, prisons or hotel bedrooms yet I note that the ban is coming to extend to all these places by stealth.
Tim Blades