Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Sikh faith leaders signed a pledge against all forms of racism, ahead of the event on Saturday, and there was an antiracist rally where resiliant locals dodged the Redwatch cameras to make there opposition to organised racial hatred known, but given the historical significance of this part of the Midlands, when Oswald Mosley chose to march through the very same place, many anti-fascist individuals felt intimidated to stand up to be counted. Those people who did join the meaningful anti-fascist protest however, were a broad cross-section of society, unlike the monocultural biggoted Islamophobes of the EDL.
Before every "anti-extremist demo" as the far right EDL like to cleverly brand their racist gatherings for the benefit of the press, deceitful public relations supremo and Portsmouth supporter Trevor KKKelway puts out public declarations to his own supporters to "behave nicely", knowing full well that his street army of hardened soccer hooligans, (for all of their anti-immigrant racism, setting up Facebook groups calling for the expulsion of Non-English speakers from hallowed shores of England), their (almost) totally white membership do not understand English.
Dogs bark, cows moo, cuckoos cuckoo, and brainless football hooligans scuffle and fight. The Police described the UAF protestors as being no-problem, however when the Wetherspoons bevvies had worked their way into the bloodstreams of the EDL thugs, they "turned native", chucking missiles at riot police, attempting to fatally crush policemen and women to death by attepting to turn over a police van, (see the BBC video

So much once again for the lies and spin of the EDL. When will the media stop being "political correct" about the EDL and stop calling a violent drunken gang of English nationalist racist football hooligans "anti-extremist protestors" with pussyfooting regularity. It's time that the media come clean about the hatred and violence of the EDL.
If anarchists such as G20 protestors had clashed with the police in such a way, trying to turn over police vehicles, attempting to cause grevious bodily harm to police officers, World War III would have erupted in the Sun, Daily Mail and the Daily Express, with gargantuous full-font headlines along the lines of "Lawless Anarchy Wrecks City", but when the aggressors are the violent Islamophobic EDL,media reports are predictability muted, which does little to quell rumours that the neo-Nazi organisation are part of a contrived state conspiracy to shore up the War On Terror, and maintain support for the War In Afganistan.
Several people have commented about the EDL's plans to become a political organisation to take over from the BNP after Old Nick finally pulls the plug from under his comrades feet and switches the lights off. Masquerading as a charity, working in conjunction with the BNP's Soldiers Off The Street charity, the EDL held unlicensed collections of cash for war victims, as the EDL hope to do what the BNP failed to do, infiltrate the British Army.
Politicisation of the British Armed Services sets a dangerous precedent, and the stupid actions of the EDL actually endangers the lives of British soldiers, as as well as fighting Taliban forces across the hills and valleys, they also work with Muslim villagers in matters of security, protecting villagers from violent Tabliban insurgencies. If British forces were to be infiltrated with the institutional racism of the EDL, and racist Muslim-hating bigots become commonplace in our armies fighting in Afganistan, the British Army would be labelled a Crusade.
The crusading theme continually recurs in EDL mythology. The sham "nationalism" of the EDL is a whimsical excuse for old-fashioned racial and religious prejudice, xenophobia and mass ignorance, and contrary to their parroted protestations, the EDL are happy to accomodate their hardcore nazi element. Wigan Mike is the mere tip of the Iceberg.
Attracting national socialists like flies to a fetid dungheap, the crude ignorant loathings of this dispicable far right organisation attract no end of racist nutters to their organisation, a fact self-evident from a random surf of not just the uncensored wastelands of Facebook, nor YouTube, but the EDL's very own "live outside broadcast channel".
Take a look at the screenshot taken from "EDL Media", as they so-slickly call their hate-driven moby phone broadcasts.
When extreme racist supporters are permitted to logon calling themselves "COONS OUT", the damning evidence of the EDL's neo-Nazi pedigree speaks for itself.........................................
(*Lets keep Indymedia troll free - divide and conquer trolls take a hike!!!!!!*)
23.01.2010 20:44
Excellent article. Thanks!
Jennie Bee
23.01.2010 20:56
Isn't that what Islam and the other Abrahamic religions are founded on ?
Catholics vs condoms vs HIV AIDS in Africa, etc ...
No women Bishops in Anglican Churches, etc ?
Yeah, fuck the EDL, they *are* a bunch of ignorant knobheads, but why should us old school anti-theists, anti-authoritarian individuals throw our hats in the ring with religious fundamentalists of any persuasion ?
Religion may bring comfort to some and if that helps, ok, but it's a blind alley for personal freedom for the individual.
And, no, if you disagree I won't call you a troll.
If you disagree and this post gets deleted then you,Mista Journalist et al. stand guilty of selective reporting, and that doesn't do anything for open discourse.
23.01.2010 21:04
23.01.2010 21:26
Trevor Kelway's wordsmithery makes the EDL seem like the natural home for Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama.
What a shame the violent neo-Nazi footsoldiers of the EDL were having none of it.
What next? The lovely and cuddly EDL introduced the minimum wage and absolished slavery??????????
By the way, I just came across a picture of some of the weapons the EDL chucked at the police during their peaceful protest which included planks of wood with nails driven into them.
It's true, if anarchists had done this, this would be the number one news story.
Like the BNP, the EDL are treated with kid gloves by the press and television media.
Itching For A Fight
24.01.2010 00:07
anarchist and working class
24.01.2010 00:18
regardless of the activities in stoke i am now infinitely more wokring class than am i 'anarchist' by reading this thread.
Judge as you will.
Anarchist and working class
24.01.2010 00:41
The EDL are seriously fucked up to the extreme, and racist beyond redemption, so please braindead EDl trolls stop defending these bozos, and return to your straight-arm saluting friends at Stormfront.
Some of the footie hooligans in the EDL are working class, but the leaders (Alan Lake and Trevor Kelway are upper-middle class tosspots who want to turn the working classes racist.
Racism isn't just the preserve of the working classes, my neo-Nazi trolling friend.
They Tried To Cause A Riot
24.01.2010 01:37
After the main demonstration a group of around 500 EDL marched thought a predominantly Asian area damaging shops and cars, trying to provoke Bradford or Oldham-style riots, the evil nazi bastards.
Hail Hitler!
24.01.2010 02:07
The Racial Volunteer Force are hardcore Skrewdriver fans who love to announce their support of the late dead Austrian fuhrer, and yet numpty nutzi apologist Trevor KKKelway turns a blind eye to their presence.
Worrying, seems like
24.01.2010 02:58
I'm sure geography plays a part somewhat, but if you compare both the numbers of SWP/UAF and the numbers of autonomous induviduals/ANTIFA that were at nottingham compared to this its rather small.
I think this is the first EDL demo where if it wasn't for the police keeping them contained they would've overwelmed locals and anti-facists that were present. Who know's where that could've led, either the ransacking of a local community or to riots and skirmishes long into the night getting the EDL all the 'race war' headlines they could possibly want. At some points it looked like sections of EDL were going to break out of police lines, and I don't reckon there were enough antifacists in reserve (unless there were a very stealthy 2-4 hundred hidden somewhere).
I'm not enitrely sure what my point is... other than its a shame if antifacists have to rely on the state to keep nazi's off our street, because the state will only do that to the extent, and for as long as it suits them.
Also it doesn't look good when the thing stopping them is the state not the locals, tends to make their arguemnts a bit more persuasive, although yes they have lost the 'we're totally peaceful' arguement from their repitoir I dont think that will hurt them a great deal - unless they do try and go political/
dont blame complex factors, please
24.01.2010 10:07
if id have gone to stoke, im the one looking to get nicked, searched, stopped and harassed. id rather wait it out, see what they do, and when the time is right, strike against them, if needed, and close them down with extreme force. bickering and too-ing and fro-ing with them, like a bunch of rival football thugs, is WHAT THEY WANT US TO DO.
just watch comrades, see what happens and use your power wisely.
plus: we know where they drink, we know where they are, fucking sabotage them, ruin their businesses, fight them at night, under cover.
and when its appropriate to fight with our bodies, im sure we will.
please dont patronise us and say where were you, because the politics of going on demo's and clashing in this country is far more complex than just having "flying anti-EDL pickets".
yes the "movement' in the land is flagging, so what?
this is a right wing country, unless you forgot. hence the press 'anti-coverage'.
organisation underground is fraught with difficulties, and then to just turn up and fight, then get away, without injury or arrest, is doubtful these days.
in Nottingham, brave fights were had, and im sure if stoke anarcho's/socialists would have had to defend themselves, with no alternative, they would have fought bravely also.
the struggle is hard, but dont blame anti-fa couz stoke residents didn't put up the fight that would have satisfied you, im sure they tried their best, given the situation.
anti-fa, for your info
Supporting Our Brave Boys!
24.01.2010 17:32
"Politicisation of the British Armed Services sets a dangerous precedent, and the stupid actions of the EDL actually endangers the lives of British soldiers, as as well as fighting Taliban forces across the hills and valleys, they also work with Muslim villagers in matters of security, protecting villagers from violent Tabliban insurgencies. If British forces were to be infiltrated with the institutional racism of the EDL, and racist Muslim-hating bigots become commonplace in our armies fighting in Afganistan, the British Army would be labelled a Crusade."
What is this reactionary crap?! The British Army and other NATO forces are waging an unjust war of terror on the people of Afghanistan. The Taliban are a genuine popular national resistance movement defending their people against the NATO imperialists and the drug-running, criminal warlords which form the corrupt, puppet government in Afghanistan. It is the British Government and media which have been stirring up Islamophobic hatred by spreading lies to the effect that the Afghanis pose a terrorist threat to Britain. The British armed forces not politiciised? Every day they have propaganda briefings to keep them fighting to uphold British imperialism.
State Conspiracy
25.01.2010 06:40
The EDL have to be a state set-up designed to increase support for these illegal wars, which is why, although there have been plenty of arrests, the EDL have not been banned while the bigots of Islam4UK were quickly made illegal.
This disparity in permission to march, assures us once and for all that the EDL nazis are doing the state's dirty work in keeping Britain interested in Islamophobia. It is no surprise that the EDL are allowed to march and create riots with inpunity, and the police's hands are tied.
Even a great swathe of the far right such as VNN and NWN think the EDL are part of a governmental plot to keep British troops fighting this illegal war.
MI6 and the EDL
25.01.2010 07:03
Who else could ensure that the EDL are not banned while the far less violent extremists of Islam4UK are proscribed overnight?
It's not rocket science, peepz!!! The EDL are a tool used to keep the War Against Terror at the top of the agenda to please the CIA (President Obama is just, like every other US President just a puppet).
Postman Tat's MI5 and MI6 ....and they are in league with the UDA
25.01.2010 17:34
I agree with....
remove the leaders
25.01.2010 23:17