On Wednesday 24th February at around 11.15am, two Freemen on-the-land were falsely arrested, kidnapped and incarcerated by the Nottingham police from a house in Forest Fields, Nottingham..
Police arrived prior to the door of the house being jimmied and actually watched the whole incident, acting as aiders and abetters to unlawful access of the Freeman's sovereign place. No warrant was handed over .
The two Freemen had refused entry into their home to employees of e.on (strange as the actual power provider is Scottish Power}, the National Grid and a baliff from 'Scotcall'. Locksmiths from Eydens (a Coventry based company), flashed a bogus warrant to gain entry to install pre-pay meters which would collect weekly payment of alleged arrears.
Earlier today, it was also disclosed from Nottingham Magistrates Court that no warrant was even issued for entering the house.
During the unlawful arrest and kidnap a police officer attempted to pepper spray one of the Freemen, only to succeed in spraying himself, almost knocking himself out in the process.
During the unlawful incarceration both Freemen were denied water and basic rights throughout. The stress inducing method of sleep deprivation was also used against them. Misinformation and time wasting tactics were employed by the police to frustrate family and friends trying to ensure the Freemen's safety.
Presently, one of the men has been released and the other, refusing to engage into contract with the police, i.e give his name or sign papers, is still in unlawful police custody.
*****Update: Both Freemen have been bailed, charged with assaulting police officers. They will appear before Nottingham Magistrates Court on 9th March.
See the following links for more information relating to the background of the rising Freeman on the land movement.

Why were they coming in? Because of non-payment of bills?
28.02.2010 15:31
I'm not quite clear why they were wanting to come in in the first place - it was because a electricity bill hadn't been paid so they wanted to put in a meter? Was this non-payment deliberate or is it disputed?
not buying it sunshine
28.02.2010 21:35
Somehow, I highly doubt this to be true
Oscar Mic
troofers don't like paying for leccie
28.02.2010 22:47
28.02.2010 22:59
really? If this is true that is a flagrant breach of PACE and the Freeman's lawyers would have access to this, as all police stations are routeinly audio/video taped the concernes about this should be brourght to the attention of the police complaints dept,the press and local MP's
But as this hasnt happened I very much doubt that you will as it would show this to be one sided propoganda.
sleep deprivation
01.03.2010 09:46
I can very much believe this - it is common practice for police stations, especially if the cops think you are messing them around or being a nuisance e.g. pressing the buzzers too much, etc.
They will often bang doors or make noises to disturb you - they can always just say it was unintentional. And they often lie to friends enquiring after you, especially if they think they will cause them hassle.
Pigfuckers on this thread
08.03.2010 16:51
Whatever you think of someone's beliefs, state persecution is never justified. Clearly the state staged a violent and quite probably legally dubious raid on someone's home, and physically attacked them in the process. People are now facing assault charges for defending themselves - when it is entirely predictable and justified that someone facing violent home invasion will defend themselves.
The quite plausible accusations of mistreatment in custody are also extremely serious.
In most cases, where someone conscientiously objects to something, the best thing is to turn a blind eye. Yet statists feel threatened by the fact of difference and choose instead to go on the attack, trampling on people and rights in the process. Even a statist would have to admit that they should have gone through due process (e.g. getting a warrant), avoided using excessive force, and refrained from abuse in custody; I would also expect them to question the politically-motivated charges.
PS: forced electricity metering did not exist before the Thatcherite counterrevolution which was the beginning of the slide into authoritarianism culminating in today's situation.
PPS: someone please delete the trollshit on this thread. Hostile acting-out by arrogant bigots who think everything is hunky-dory with authoritarian society and want to trivialise every revelation of abuse create an unsafe space for others and deter people from posting.
fuck pigfuckers