Publishing has been disabled here, please visit our new site:
It is nearly 5 years since the launch of the Notts Indymedia website. A lot of developments in internet media have happened since then. We're keen to keep developing the site and making sure you, the users, can get the most out of it. As such, we switched to our new Nottingham Indymedia website on 1st July. We think that it's easier to use and has better features than the current site. Why not check it out and post your news and events. We'd love to find out what you think so we can keep improving it.
The new site will enable users to login (if they wish) and also enables groups to have their own pages. Articles can be tagged with specific topics and areas so there might be a Leicester page or a St Ann's page. A major improvement will allow registered users and groups to publish their own events to the events calendar and change the details if necessary. There are also improved facilities for publishing media such as audio, video and PDFs.
The new site runs using the Hyperactive content management system currently used by London, Northern and Denmark IMCs. Many thanks are due to Northern and London for giving loads of help getting us up and running.