The bull is dropped
View from the ground of the banner
Happy activists celebrate on the top of the tower
Green Party Hopeful Gets Stuck In
We are sailing
Cops join in?
The banner is unleashed on shopping street hell (Cornmarket)
On the ground around 25 people handed out flyers for the camp, and there were shouts of "No more bull!" which were echoed back from the top of the tower.
Meanwhile, a group of people were trying to build an ark. Their excuse? The government and big business won't take action on climate change, so we'd better build an ark to accommodate the earth's 7 billion people. They tried to get the police to assist. When asked who was in charge, an activist identified only as Noah, said:
"No one is in charge; this is an Ark-y"(!)
The recent flooding around the UK has left many people homeless - in Oxfordshire, one of the worst hit areas, many people were evacuated to safety. A local demonstration last Wednesday bemoaned the fact that the government are not doing enough to help those worst hit by the floods. It has been reported, in The Guardian, that flash floods in Britain are likely to be the biggest immediate problem caused by climate change.
Fuller report, and more pictures, to follow.
Hide the following 7 comments
Excellent stuff!
28.07.2007 19:19
And particularly good timing, as so many people in the Oxford area are suffering the effects of climate change in the form of flooded homes, cancelled trains and blocked roads - it ISN'T just something that harms people living on little islands a long way away.
Gregory Beetle
worth reiterating
29.07.2007 09:10, like all anarchists, reject appeals to state power as this "invariably legitimates and strengthens the State, with the result that it disempowers the people." They note that ecology movements "that enter into parliamentary activities not only legitimate State power at the expense of popular power," they also are "obligated to function within the State" and "must 'play the game,' which means that they must shape their priorities according to predetermined rules over which they have no control." This results in "an ongoing process of degeneration, a steady devolution of ideals, practices, and party structures" in order to achieve "very little" in "arrest[ing] environmental decay." [Remaking Society, p. 161, p. 162 and p. 163] The fate of numerous green parties across the world supports that analysis.
Caution required
29.07.2007 11:14
Our anarchist friend complains that ordinary Greens have no control over the rules which govern our democratic system and our society in general. But nor has he. The Greens are very much nearer winning signifcant poplular support than he is. They achieve real political goals. Anarchists are unrealistic.
It seems to me that a camp at Heathrow is certain to end in tears, but perhaps this is the intention. With the present terrorist alerts at airports, nothing like this will be tolerated by the police or wanted by the public, and understandably so.
30.07.2007 12:01
However, greens who think that they can reform capitalism or state power to deal with the problems inherent to those structures are unrealistic, too. Each partial victory yields another often more severe problem, especially for those at the periphery of the global economy. And each victory leads to further consolidation of state and capitalist domination over another aspect of our lives.
Its the same with lefty vanguardists who think they can force the working class to be free by rebuilding the state power relationship with them, that is the vanguardists, at the top. Same failure to acknowledge that reinforcing structures of domination and oppression is going to result in those structures becoming more powerful and all-pervasive.
People working to overcome oppression without appealing to state power are more realistic; they can participate in actual change that doesn't increase state power or defer change until after the revolution.
Anyway I'm ranting.
On indymedia? Imagine that!
Fucking ace action, props to all involved!
Coal is best kept in the bath unless you're rich.
03.08.2007 02:30
You know, the working class is not what it was. A lot of the little devils have cars, and they like having cars too, and going on holiday to Spain. This is what emits the carbon dioxide. I really don't see how domination and oppression come into it. If their faces were being ground, they wouldn't emit so much carbon dioxide centrally heating their houses, either. They would buy a few lumps of coal and keep it in the bath, where it belongs. If they were lucky enough to have a bathroom: and the less hot water they use the better.
These environmental issues are new ones requiring persuasion, technical innovation, and, yes, an efficient capitalist system to get the marketing and technology off the ground, rather like the internet and your cheap powerful computer. You aren't going to develop efficient wind-powered generators by killing off the enemies of the revolution, any more than you are by sitting in a circle communing with Mother Earth.
Story of the Ark
04.08.2007 19:36
Bradley Day
domination & Internet
24.08.2007 17:21
You clearly haven't visited the Niger Delta lately, then.
Working class leisure travel equates to about 10% of total flights taken through the big london airports.
Average income of households using Gatwick for leisure flights is £52k according to the CAA,
Around 35-55 percent of all flights are taken by business travellers. At Heathrow their average income is about £79k.
This sounds to me not like "they" are going on holiday to spain, but that the rich are flying all over the place whilst the poor nationally and more particularly globally have to deal with the effects of climate change.
"... an efficient capitalist system to get the marketing and technology off the ground, rather like the internet ..."
Which was invented by a state-funded monopoly (ARPA), not by the "free" market at all ;-P
"You aren't going to develop efficient wind-powered generators by killing off the enemies of the revolution, any more than you are by sitting in a circle communing with Mother Earth."
I didn't suggest either. Though both are preferable to the constant pursuit of profit and "economic growth" (aka the pumping of the Earth's resources upwards to the wealthiest in society) which is driving climate change.