anti-fascists gather outside the crwys pub
cor cochion start out at the crwys, then all head off towards the barracks
others gather beyond the barracks
cor cochion in motion
edl member (centre)
cor cochion arrive at barracks
a total of about 100 to confront the edl
spread across both sides of the road
the edl and wreath laying contingent
don't let the racists divide us (1)
don't let the racists divide us 2)
uaf cut a deal with the cops and edl
and try to sell it to everyone else. event organiser on right
heading off with the wreath
followed by the others (about a dozen)
late afternoon: back in the city centre we focus on bradley manning
Hide the following 15 comments
01.06.2013 21:32
Did you really think the EDL would march in Cardiff?
02.06.2013 08:03
I was the organiser of yesterday's walk....
02.06.2013 09:09
I organised the event yesterday for the people of Cardiff to come out in remembrance for lee rigby and our fallen soldiers... And you people totally ruined what was supposed to be a show of respect ... You turned it into something it wasn't ie EDL march ... If you had bothered to get your facts right ie speak with police who i had been in very close contact with througtout organising the walk and not believe everything you read in the papers and on the Internet you would of understood it was just families with children coming to pay a tribute...granted 1 EDL member turned up but I had no control over that I had stated that everyone was welcome to join the walk no matter what COLOUR, RELIGION or BELIEFS and I don't support his views but he came along walked silently as asked even thought he was provoked several times by your photographer who was told he would be arrested if he kept on goading him, ... But instead you people put fear into the Muslim community going into shops and telling Muslims that the EDL were marching and were going to go to city rd mosque to cause trouble and to come join your group to run them out of town... I spoke with your UAF leaders and explained everything to them and they were pleased with what I had to say and were happy for us to carry on with our walk they did say they would join us and i was very pleased with that but unfortunately they never kept to their word.!!!... I even came over to speak with you all I felt very intimated but I still came over to reassure you all that I was just a normal mum wanting to do something nice and show that the people of Cardiff cared and a few of you were shouting in my face there was no talking to you you were just there to cause trouble and disturb our walk.. I even invited u all to walk with us if you wished as long as you put your banners down an was shouted at " I'm not walking with you EDL" which i was very offended at as i am NOT A RACIST . to be honest I was gutted .. I was gutted because all the crap you lot had put on twitter had stopped people coming to the walk because they were scared you even went as far as putting posters up in a well populated muslim area for god sake.. And you say we were there to cause trouble!!!
You people need to get your facts right before you go out causing trouble and putting fear into a community... because all you achieved yesterday was making little children scared and cry and even one family walked away because of what you were shouting...I hope your proud of yourselves, because I am absolutely disgusted with you all...
Lianne hannam
02.06.2013 09:50
I'm guessing you're the blonde in the photo then?
Reply to you snapper
02.06.2013 13:09
And what ever views he has he didnt express them at anytime during our walk, he put his own personal views aside and walked with us all SILENTLY as requested, which included may I add a woman and two children who were of mixed race, and layed flowers in respect to Lee Rigby and all our armed forces... It's a pity some of you couldn't have done the same.. Who's the better person !!!!! This walk was in remembrance of Lee Rigby and all our soldiers and you have turned it into a witch hunt against one man who you have singled out to make yourselves look good.. Your disgusting...
And it's funny how most of the pictures are of one man I'd like to ask where's the pictures of us laying the flowers at the war memorial, the poem that was read out, the minute silence we observed , the children and soldier laying flowers, the mixed race lady in our walk, oh no lets for get about all them and just concentrate on one individual... Biased opinion from you I think just to fuel your group
Lianne Hannam
02.06.2013 15:00
Reply to you snapper
02.06.2013 15:19
Lianne Hannam
02.06.2013 23:20
white guilt
02.06.2013 23:40
Really? So muslims have never blown things up then??
> A muslim woman can only marry a muslim man but a muslim man can marry any woman, muslim or non-muslim. That is not racism that is a cultural practice
Sounds very sexist to me. Treating woman differently from men in terms of what they can and can't do. Thats sexists.
> my cultural sociology lecture told me at university.
wow. it must be true. Sounds great - on paper. But muslims don't seem to work like that in the real world
03.06.2013 00:16
If it's really true that you organised the wreath-laying as a community event and not as an EDL thing, then it's a shame people got the wrong idea.
But the thing is that on the EXACTLY THE SAME DAY, in several towns and cities, the EDL were having demos, using wreath-laying as an excuse to try and exploit Lee Rigby's death. So hopefully you can understand why people thought this Cardiff event was EDL!
03.06.2013 08:30
Yes there was many EDL walks on Saturday in many cities BUT they were outnumbered by other walks like mine... People need to get there facts right before jumping to conclusions...
I'm just a normal wife and mum who was devasted at what happened to lee rigby, I have always supported help for heros (my husband sends a monthly donation) and feel very strongly towards our armed forces that is why I wanted or should I say I felt that I needed to express my deepest heart felt symphathy and I new a lot of people would be feeling the same that's why I set the walk up...
I have been approached by another page on Facebook who are setting up many walk across the nation after hearing and seeing what I had achieved on Saturday to organise another walk ... Lets see if you turn up then to disrupt it or turn up to join in... !!!!...
If I had anything to hide why am I displaying my real name on here unlike many of you that are commenting...,!!!!
03.06.2013 08:40
03.06.2013 10:13
03.06.2013 11:30
the lady doth protest too much
03.06.2013 17:32
and LOL at the thicko taking the other thicko's 'joke' post on Islam seriously...