Emily still has a chance. Her solicitor is pursuing legal avenues, but needs more time. If she is not deported this week, she may yet win her asylum case.
WE MUST SAVE EMILY FROM DEPORTATION. Emily must be returned to her friends and the life she has built in Newport, where she volunteers with many community organisations and charities. This is where Emily belongs. Right now, her many friends and supporters are appealing to Malaysia Airways to help keep Emily safe, and not to remove her against her will to an uncertain and dangerous future.
YOU CAN HELP. We’re calling for a phone blockade on Malaysia Airlines today, 17th, from 10am. If you can, please spend some time calling to ask them to intervene in Emily’s flight, as they are able to do.
The following phone numbers are used by Malaysia Airlines in the UK:
020 7341 2029 (24 hour line – press 1 or 2 ' then wait to speak)
020 7341 2000 (until 5:30pm)
0161 831 9876 (until 5:30pm)
If one is engaged, please try another and ring as often as you can!
Please keep calls firm but polite.
Please also contact them: @MAS on twitter,
on Facebook:

And fill in the Feedback Form on their website:

and email concerns about Emily to:

For more information about the campaign see:

Thank you.