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UK Education Newswire Archive

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Lambeth residents and workers confront council over privatisation

10-07-2008 14:08

Save Our Services Campaigners Outside Lambeth Town Hall
A group of local trade unions and community groups fighting against plans to privatise local services yesterday confronted the Labour-run Council behind them. Under the banner of "Save Our Services in Lambeth", the group, including local teachers, lecturers, local government workers, tenants and leaseholders packed the public gallery at Lambeth Town Hall and quizzed the Cabinet Members responsible for widespread cuts and privatisation.

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Wembley Tent City Occupation: Press Release, 30/06/2008

10-07-2008 13:13

The Latest Press Release from the Wembley Tent City Occupation: Smash School Privatisation, dated 30 June 2008.

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Wembley Anti-Academy Tent City Facing Eviction: Party And Resist!!!

10-07-2008 00:25

Wembley Tent City Occupation
On Tuesday 15 July 2008 Brent Council representatives will attend Willesden County Court at 10.30am to seek a court order for the immediate eviction of the Wembley Sports Ground Tent City Occupation. Party Friday night. Meet the locals and get involved.

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The Climate Putney Debates St Marys Church July 29th 2008 7pm

09-07-2008 19:22

The Camp for Climate Action presents:

+++ ‘Turning the world upside down’: The Putney Climate Debate +++

Monday 28th July 2008
Arrive 6.30pm speakers from 7pm.

St Mary’s Church, Putney, London
Putney High Street, SW15 1SN
Info and Directions:

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Free Vegan Food For All! 4/07/08*

06-07-2008 21:24

Food for thought...
To promote Saturday's Viva! Veggie Roadshow, and as ever to promote veganism, members of Nottingham Animal Rights & Veggies distributed free vegan food and literature outside the council house.

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Rights granted for Great Apes in Spain

05-07-2008 03:03

"If you look at the course of western history you'll see that we're slowly granting basic rights to everyone. A long time ago only kings had rights. Then rights were extended to property-owning white men. Then all men. Then wymyn [women]. Then children. Then the mentally retarded. Now we're agonizing over the extension of basic rights to homosexuals and animals. We need to finally accept that all sentient creatures are deserving of basic rights." -- Moby (1)

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Wembley Summer Camp Open: Squat The Land, Smash School Privatisation

03-07-2008 10:43

Brent Planning Committee: Residents Say No To School Privatisation
Teachers, residents and campaigners in Wembley, Brent, North West London, have re-squatted the Wembley Sports Ground and are calling out for people to join them, squat the land and join the largest protest against the privatisation of the UK education system.

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Burlusconi has almost got his immunity on corruption-not on human rights abuse

30-06-2008 10:22

Mr Burlusconi who owns Italy and thus can bend the law to suit both his vanity
and ego has before cabinet a document which will allow immunity from prosecution
during his term of office. This would also include two speakers in the house.
Given that the immunity is only for corruption , one would hope that legal
and or criminal charges for incitement to violence would be brought against him
by the Italian citizens who have suffered injury due to pogrom and racist attack.

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St Bonniface School Tooting

29-06-2008 05:56

The discovery of a "Rat Run" for criminals running through a local school and the lack of co operation from the school to erradicate the problem.

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No Borders Public Meeting

26-06-2008 22:46

In response to poverty, persecution , war and climate change, people are on the move all around the world. In the UK the right of asylum is under constant attack, with regular dawn raids, overcrowded detention centres and increasing numbers of deportations to places the government knows are unsafe.

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Millennium Development Goals, The setting of the agenda

23-06-2008 15:06

The social context the Education, Gender Empowerment, Poverty Reduction MDGs are critically analysed. It is suggested that the evolution of such goals are instituionally embeded and not only are they far from being attained, but there very definition is deviod of the an understanding of cultures and local goals and objectives such as family and society. The approach emanates from the reconstruction apprroach of the Marshall plan which is difficult to apply to issues of development.

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Blonde ambitions

22-06-2008 23:07

The university league tables media frenzy tells us a little bit more about the deep interrelations of interests amongst academia and students, as well as a little bit more on the state of the democratic environment of the universities in the UK and finally refers us to the many associations which should keep an eye on standards and academic freedom in the UK.

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Application of Islamic Shari'a in US Courts

21-06-2008 13:37

In 2004 a crash of Blackwater Flight 61 occurred in the rugged mountains of central Afghanistan, killing three soldiers and three-man crew. The widows of the soldiers sued Presidential Airways, Blackwater’s sister company, which was under contract with the U.S. military to fly cargo and personnel around Afghanistan.

Lawyers for the company has asked a federal court to decide the case using provisions from the Islamic Shari’a, not the U.S. laws. They argue that the Shari’a “does not hold a company responsible for the actions of employees performed within the course of their work.”

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Reading Marx's Capital (free lectures)

19-06-2008 13:01

Announcing a New Open Course

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Birthday Bash Benefit Gig Bonanza in Bath

18-06-2008 15:43

Benefit gig with proceeds being split between the upcoming Bristol Anarchist Bookfair and the Bath Bomb.

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Bogotá university anti privatization demo

18-06-2008 06:27

Students today at Bogotá National University, Colombia, demonstrated against planned privatisation and the introduction of tuition fees.

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Squatted SCUMFEST punkathon raises £2000 for good causes

17-06-2008 17:46

This years punkathon SCUMFEST helded last weekend in a squatted car showrooms at EAST HILL, WANDSWORTH LONDON SW18 went brilliantly. Loads of bands from all over the place played and cops and the dim owners left it alone (more or less).

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Hilton delegates shocked by 5 metre high aviation elephant

17-06-2008 13:29

The aviation elephant in the room
A 5 metre high Giant Inflatable Elephant shocked delegates at the Edinburgh Caledonian Hilton today with a massive banner stating ’Aviation is the Elephant in the Room.’

This spectacle, created by anti-aviation group Plane Stupid Scotland, is a huge visual reminder that aviation remains a massive elephant in the room as long as emissions from aviation continue to be ignored in the Climate Change Bill.

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Critical Art Ensemble's dr steven Kurtz cleared after four years!

11-06-2008 12:37

This is a link to a piece on NYC indymedia.

The original links and backround are at :

Dr Kurtz was charged under the Patriot Act in 2004 with bio-terrorism,
after sending material to Dr Ferrell which formed part of their dialogue
with modernity/biotech and art expression.

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Lord Chancellor Jack Straw The Moral Dilemma Is Closer To Home?

10-06-2008 22:19

Lord Chancellor Laws for The Immoral Masses, Jack Shi* For Corporate Immorality?
'Underage' children are often drunk and generally antisocial or even violent on our British streets. Parents apparently do nothing to stop them. Government believes this is immoral and should be controlled by the use of force, through the making of new laws, and new criminal convictions, even on the parents. The Shalom Family evicted by Crest Nicholson present open invitation to the Lord Chancellor Mr Straw.
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