Actions have occurred outside Swedish Embassies across Europe, as one protester remains critically injured after he was shot in the back. Tony Blair backed the Swedish police saying the protesters were “an Anarchists travelling circus”. One protester who had only arrived back one hour from the plane said, “I was there because of the third world debt…. George Bush and his Environment policy and the European Union’s Neo-Liberal policy are all reasons why I was there”. A large amount of police remained behind the back of the embassy as various chants were aimed at those inside, one man who came to voice his concerns said “The Swedish police used barbaric practices”. When asked if there was any message he would like to pass onto the European policy he stated “We’re getting closer”. The Swedish have so far not issued an apology.
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Callous & Ignorant
19.06.2001 10:55
Blair - how did we end up with such a $%(
20.06.2001 17:43
Tony Blair is turning our children into drug addicts - because they can't cope with the world that Tony and similar business clones are trying to create.
How can we win, when they have the "legitimate" right to use violence against us, no matter what we do. We can't even express ourselves without getting assaulted by police!
They fight stones with guns, tanks, helicopters, heat seeking missiles and tell you it is right, and you have to be tough with "dangerous anarchists". It is the same the world over.
What have we got left to fight with?
Pretty soon the only form of democratic expression available to the public will be extreme forms of terrorism. It still won't match what governments and businesses are doing to the worlds poor and environment.
Quickly, someone suggest something that isn't filled with dispair!
solidarity Geteborg activists, Thessaloniki
25.06.2001 13:43