terrorist squad hassle son of genoa deportee
trident ploughsares | 23.07.2001 21:28
Press Briefing: 22nd July
The son of Scottish Trident Ploughshares campaigner Brian Quail (who was
this week prevented from entering Italy due to a Home Office blacklist) was
last night subjected to a frightening ordeal when his van was surrounded by
Metropolitan Police and he was searched at gunpoint.
Peter Quail (32), a van delivery driver from London with no political
associations, had just dropped his father at Victoria bus station in London
around 9.30 p.m. when he was stopped by about thirty officers, four of whom
were pointing machine guns at him, while a helicopter hovered overhead. An
order to leave his vehicle was screamed at him and his van was thoroughly
searched. Officers told him their action was justified under the Prevention
of Terrorism Act. He was then allowed to go.
Peter said: "When they went away they gave me a note which thanked me 'for
my cooperation' as if I had a choice in the matter. These were young lads,
really hyped up. My legs were like jelly."
Brian said: "This week I was refused entry to Italy, apparently because
British police have put me on a blacklist for protesting, peacefully and
nonviolently, at Faslane nuclear weapons base in Scotland. Then Peter, an
utterly innocent person, is put through this piece of police terrorism by
the Met. It's too much of a coincidence and it is beginning to look as if
the British authorities are out to intimidate me."
Brian intends to pursue the matter with elected representatives. There is
growing concern that the British authorities, nettled by the recent growth
and effectiveness of civil resistance to Trident, wish to treat peaceful
and nonviolent protest as a form of terrorism. On Friday Brian intends to
join fellow campaigners at Coulport for a 14-day direct disarmament camp
focused on the Clyde nuclear weapons bases.
Contacts: Brian Quail 0141 339 1482
David Mackenzie 0870 458 3117 (07775711054)
TP website:

David Mackenzie
Trident Ploughshares
3 Park Terrace
Tillicoultry Clackmannanshire
FK13 6BY
tel + 44 (0) 0845 45 88 366
mobile 07775711054

Trident Ploughshares e-mail:

Website: tridentploughshares.org
trident ploughsares