DSEi - Can Asians come out to play ?
People are the only media | 28.08.2001 20:56 | Fiesta for Life
It was thought at first that Asians were not needed at the Fiesta for Life. And the agitprop was prepared with that in mind.
Tower Hamlets has a large Bengali poulation. Distributing flyers containing images of Asians was considered and rejected.
As Islam represented the most vital oppositional culture to capitalism in the 80's and 90's - perhaps the only effective resistance in the Reagan/Thatcher years - and Bengalis already understood the effects of capitalism on the Global South , it was decided that they could take a well-earned rest and watch it on TV.
So the promotional material for the Fiesta was drawn up in such a way as to appeal mostly to the white abos, soap-dodgers and weekend zapatistas that constitute the usual anti-capitalist suspects post J18.
But we can now reveal that many local Asians (who form a vast potential "Mujahedeen Against Capital") will attend on September the 11th.
It is, of course, an inspiring example of the power of the Anti-Capitalist movement that even those ignored by it will want to involve themselves in its struggle.
Our ideas are so much "already in other peoples' heads" that we do not have to consider that the ways in which we
mobilise resistance might exclude potential support.
Because "we are winning" we can safely rely on a self-selecting core of protestors to dismantle capitalism.
People are the only media
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Asians were always welcome
28.08.2001 23:20
'weekend Zapatista'
29.08.2001 08:06
e-mail: barney@bedrock.com
Fair point, but...
29.08.2001 11:09
As far as I know, local flyers are/have been prepared for the local area, including tranlsations appropriate for the local Bangladeshi anhd Somali communities.
All power to the Jihad against capiatism
29.08.2001 12:26
Weekend Zapatista writes that agitprop against the arms fair should focus on the terrible damage done by the arms trade and not be directed at specific racial groups. But the three most widely distributed leaflets for the event are primarily of images of white kidz partying, with a couple images of white people with weapons of mass destuction and some passing references tagged on about the arms trade, which come somewhere down the list well after bluesuede shoes.
Hardly racially non-specific imagery, Unless being white is presumed to carry the privelege of being non-racialised by others.
I'm not suggesting that the activists who are working so hard for the fiesta are consiously racist. I'm saying that unless we critically examine the unconsious presumptions that we have internalised from the classist, racist, heterosexist society that we have been brought up in, we are going to reproduce the exclusive norms of that society in the movement we are building.
As for Weekend Zapitista's apparently rhethorical question should activist propaganda be promoting Catholic religious references? -
well, in the case of Disarm DSEi, the answer would seem to be yes-
-the word Fiesta afterall means a celebration of a Catholic Saint's feastday, while leaflet no.3's image of dancing peasants is taken from a Flemmish Catholic religious painting. It seems that the pervaisiveness of Christain imagery in Western secular culture, and by extension in Western activist culture is so normal that it goes without notice. I'm not saying avoid all religious references, but why not include other religious traditions. Why not the hand of Fatima or images of a dancing Shiva.
Although there are a fair few working class, non-white, and gay activist in the movement, but until the way we actively challange the culturally exclusive methods by which our agitprop is constructed (albeit unconsiously), we will continue to communicate to the majority of people that is is a white, young, middle class thing.
whitebuoy =:-)
e-mail: emerald.city@overtherainbow